View Full Version : Desert Iguana

RAD House
06-24-15, 09:31 PM
I have always tossed around the idea of getting a lizard but never found one that totally fit my requirements. First is I do not want to keep live crickets, roaches, or other smelly insects in my house. Next I would like a species that can be kept in an enclosure no bigger than 4'x2'. Thirdly it must be relatively easily handled. Also I do not want a species that's humidity requirements are high as I live in a dry climate. I had all but given up until I found the desert iguana. Has anyone had experience with these guys? On paper they seem to fit my wants but as we know sometimes online information can be wrong.

07-16-15, 06:22 AM
If you can find a captive bred baby, go for it. I think you would enjoy a Uromastyx! They require vegetable meals and need a basking spot of 125F to 130F. They are stunning lizards as well! I would get one if I was given the chance.Deer Fern Farms Uromastyx Species Page (http://www.deerfernfarms.com/Uromastyx_Species.htm)