View Full Version : What kind of food alternative I can give to Uromastyc lizard?

06-22-15, 08:44 PM
I have an adult Uromastyc in a 55g.

Sometimes he refuses to eat at all, but can't resist a dandelion flower. Usually the only leaves he eats is purple and green letuce and salad mix from krouger. I think this kind of food is not enough in provide nutrients to him. I have tried cricket and mealworms but don't eat either.

What kind of alternative food I can give to him. I have Google a lot about it, but didn't find
Any good source of info.

Thanks in advance.

06-23-15, 08:09 PM
I fed my mali uromastycs spinach, zucchini, bok choi and other greens and cut it all up in small pieces, Tossed it together so they couldn't pick and choose what they ate. Sometimes they would eat it all and sometimes they would Just make a mess of it and throw it around. I really hated those lizards and their pickyness lol they seemed to really like snow peas alot also

06-29-15, 01:06 PM
This page will give you a lot of feeding info. Feed as much veggie variety as you can, including lots of greens. My girl always liked dandelion greens the best but got a variety as listed in this caresheet. Deer Fern Farms Uromastyx Care Page (http://www.deerfernfarms.com/Uromastyx_Care.htm)

06-29-15, 01:38 PM
First off, a fifty five gallon is not large enough for any uro. The smallest species need a minimum of a 4x2x2, or there will not be a proper temperature gradient. If you have a Facebook, join the group Uromastyx Club. There is a good foods list in the files section. Unfortunately there is no alternative to a balanced diet, they will not do well otherwise. One good way to get them to eat is sprinkling bee pollen on the food. Could you post a picture of your uro?

07-01-15, 12:13 PM
Thank you all for the replays.