View Full Version : Outside Update Pic On Stunna & Monstar.....

06-19-15, 04:42 PM
Here's a Pic Of Stunna & Monstar outside Just enjoying the day.....
http://i438.photobucket.com/albums/qq103/li0nheart86/C2DE799D-D1DB-4C82-BD65-69CABE548B87.jpg (http://s438.photobucket.com/user/li0nheart86/media/C2DE799D-D1DB-4C82-BD65-69CABE548B87.jpg.html)

06-21-15, 12:18 AM
They are gorgeous ����
how old are they?

06-21-15, 06:51 PM
they really are beautiful snakes i wish i had the balls to keep a retic

06-21-15, 09:16 PM
There sooo beautiful!
Don't you run the risk of them going away if you let them loose in the yard?

06-22-15, 08:26 AM
They look great! How big are they?

06-22-15, 08:56 AM
Thank you all for the great comments!
@havoc vulture - the purple sunfire will be a year the end of the month and my motley tiger is a year and 6 months

@Alexcrazy - I've spent a tremendous amount of time with them so when I let them out and I sit down they might go around for a bit but they never go far and they'll actually come back to me they like to be with me so I've never worried about that

@Snoopysnake - they are about 8-8 1/2 feet right now

EL Ziggy
06-22-15, 05:06 PM
They're both beautiful and aptly named. Two monstar stunnas. :)

06-22-15, 05:46 PM
Wow, very nice. Wish I could have one, but no room and too scary.

06-22-15, 06:05 PM
Lovely not-so-little little ones!

My little girl is teeny and very fast, so she definitely requires my attention at all times. haha That said, she's long enough I still have enough time to grab her before she gets into too much trouble. She'll slow down as she gets older...probably...