View Full Version : what kind of carpet is this?

06-19-15, 06:33 AM
with all the mixes out there it would seem impossible now to tell if this is really a jungle x irian jaya mix or not but maybe one of you can tell?
Its not an exceptional animal but I still wouldnt mind knowing the mix.
http://i9.photobucket.com/albums/a75/gerbig4/SubstandardFullSizeRender_zpsihfslfzg.jpg (http://s9.photobucket.com/user/gerbig4/media/SubstandardFullSizeRender_zpsihfslfzg.jpg.html)

06-19-15, 07:22 AM
Carpets are too variable, and as you mentioned there are lots of mixes nowadays. You can not tell a locality or subpsecies just by looking at a carpet... you need lineage information.

That being said, I would not be surprised if it is what it was labelled as by the seller... you'd just never know for sure. Beautiful snake nonetheless.

EL Ziggy
06-19-15, 07:35 AM
I agree, very nice carpet. What's not exceptional about him? :)

06-19-15, 08:11 AM
Im thinking of trading my brazilian rainbow boa for him and a sand boa(my son wants the sand boa).
I like my brazilian but our house is hot and im always worried about him over heating.
Plus I do want a display snake. All my current snakes are pretty shy except for the one cornsnake

06-19-15, 01:05 PM
Again hard to be certain but looks like it could certainly be a jungle IJ cross.

06-19-15, 02:27 PM
Thanks everyone. Im going to see it tomorrow and decide. I was hoping that it wasnt mixed with a coastal, they get to big for me.
Its a bit nippy but still young.

06-19-15, 03:51 PM
Thanks everyone. Im going to see it tomorrow and decide. I was hoping that it wasnt mixed with a coastal, they get to big for me.
Its a bit nippy but still young.

Coastals are very variable as well. Some do not get much bigger than jungles.

06-19-15, 04:17 PM
Ive not had the best track record with carpet pythons. The last two I had were crazy biters. Even after they got older.I had to rehome one because he was almost 5 ft and would lunge out of his cage to get me in the face, he went to a breeder.
I am going to work hard to get this guy tame, I really like carpet pythons.

06-19-15, 04:31 PM
Thanks everyone. Im going to see it tomorrow and decide. I was hoping that it wasnt mixed with a coastal, they get to big for me.
Its a bit nippy but still young.
I also have an abnormally lagre pure jungle at 9' and almost 30 lbs too. so theres always that slim chance of anything being bigger or smaller than the average expected size.

06-20-15, 01:57 AM
Pure coastals tend to be less aggressive (from what I've gathered while researching on the 'net anyway) so I'd think some coastal in the family tree could affect the disposition, but it really just depends on the individual animal. My jungle/cross carpet has been a sweetheart from the start, never shown any defensive or aggressive actions or reactions. I'm less concerned with the eventual size of the snake as long as handling isn't a problem. I'd much rather work with a mellow 7-8' snake than a 4-5' nasty bugger, lol.

06-20-15, 06:24 AM
I also have an abnormally lagre pure jungle at 9' and almost 30 lbs too. so theres always that slim chance of anything being bigger or smaller than the average expected size.

Thats enormous, at 30 lbs almost as big as a boa. Do you have pictures?
I imagine I would have a few years before I have to worry about it getting any real size to it anyway.

06-20-15, 07:50 AM
Thats enormous, at 30 lbs almost as big as a boa. Do you have pictures?
I imagine I would have a few years before I have to worry about it getting any real size to it anyway.
I put a pic up on one of derek roddys threads of his baby carpets. Ill try and throw it up here for you as well.
Shes actually bigger than my RTB lol.

06-20-15, 08:06 AM
Very very nice. I hope he has a good attitude.

06-20-15, 08:10 AM
she is a total sweet heart. even at feeding time she takes her rats super gently (unlike my bredli). Im glad she has such a good demeanour or her size would prove quite challanging. I got he around 2 years ago so she was already grown and not sure of her exact age.