View Full Version : Sun Time

06-18-15, 05:01 PM

We took our BRB outdoors today for a while, Temp was 90 degrees all day & she seemed to love the warm sunshine.

06-18-15, 05:52 PM
It is great to take your snake outside when it is warm. But be careful to make sure the snake does not get to warm in the direct sun light. Make sure the snake can cool down if it needs to. Snakes will die in minutes if they are over heated. I've seen it happen a few times. Great looking snake.

06-18-15, 06:11 PM
Thanks for the advice, We limit the time to about 15 minutes & back inside where it's cool

06-18-15, 07:07 PM
It has happened to me once, at a outdoor event. As the day went on the suns position shifted and one of our enclosures was in direct sun light. If my wife would have not notice the snake freaking out, we would have lost the snake.

06-18-15, 08:14 PM
Your BRB is beautiful! I love how they look in the sunlight. It's hard to beat that iridescent shimmer.

06-18-15, 09:32 PM
Your BRB is beautiful! I love how they look in the sunlight. It's hard to beat that iridescent shimmer.

Thank you, She is Beautiful

06-20-15, 07:11 PM
I'd also keep a very close eye on its hydration, I've found that BRBs can quickly become dehydrated in the warm summer afternoons. I've seen my BRB's scales dry out and his skin become wrinkly after only 10 minutes outside, so I've begun limiting outside time to 5-10 minutes, up to my regular 30 minutes if I keep him in the shade. The dry scales also persisted even after I put him back in his tub, and they go away if I'm not regularly taking him outside.

I used to bring a spray bottle out with me, but it didn't do much, and he'd ignore water dishes I brought out.

EL Ziggy
06-20-15, 07:23 PM
Beautiful BRB.

06-21-15, 12:50 PM
Beautiful BRB.

Thank you, She is growing quite nice!

06-21-15, 12:53 PM
I'd also keep a very close eye on its hydration, I've found that BRBs can quickly become dehydrated in the warm summer afternoons. I've seen my BRB's scales dry out and his skin become wrinkly after only 10 minutes outside, so I've begun limiting outside time to 5-10 minutes, up to my regular 30 minutes if I keep him in the shade. The dry scales also persisted even after I put him back in his tub, and they go away if I'm not regularly taking him outside.

I used to bring a spray bottle out with me, but it didn't do much, and he'd ignore water dishes I brought out.

We have a large umbrella on the deck so we sit under after a few minutes so she doesn't get to over heated & also keep a cool water bowl on the table but she ignores it

06-21-15, 08:12 PM
Beautiful snake.

Albert Clark
06-22-15, 03:19 PM
Terrific looking reptile. Healthy too!