View Full Version : New set ups!!!
06-13-15, 05:20 PM
Reorganized my room a bit and got some tanks moved around. So figured I'd give my 3 slithers an upgrade!
Moko got moved to a 20 long, Calypso took his tub, and nameless hognose got moved into a 10 gallon =)
06-13-15, 05:24 PM
The dog bowl made me laugh. What's that wooden look bottom?
06-13-15, 05:25 PM
Moko was instantly out and exploring.
This is calypso. She wasn't as impressed eith her new digs lol.
Nameless seems happy. He hid for about an hour, then had been out cruising since lol.
06-13-15, 05:26 PM
Trail B. The wood grain is just rubber shelving liner. I had been keeping him on paper towels, but I use this stuff fir all of my geckos and figured I'd give it a try with him.
Awww maaan! One of the pics is upside-down x.x
06-13-15, 05:28 PM
Nice snakes :) love the BP (if i got it correct ha ha)
06-13-15, 05:30 PM
Nice new set ups. If you upload the pics to a site like photobucket they look a lot better and don't end up sideways or upside down.
06-13-15, 05:30 PM
That's cool I haven't seen that sort of liner before. I'm considering a crestie tank as my next herp (after my MBK of course) and seeing as my limited research suggests they don't really go to the bottom it might be a good starting base. I might try my hand at a bio setup with live plants as I like the look but a bit too much upfront. The only live plants in tanks I can keep alive is a 10g aquarium. Anything bigger and they died lol the brown thumb of death
06-13-15, 05:41 PM
Trail B. I have one tank I keep a male crestie in that I have as a 'luve' tank. Instead of using potting soul, I just used eco earth and put 1 plant in there. Something hardy that didn't require smuch light. It's not bioactuve, but the plant hasn't died yet and it's been quite a few months lol.
Oh, and I get my liners from the dollar tree (a store where everything is litterally is litterally 1$. So the liners are totally disposbal, but also washable. =)
06-13-15, 05:45 PM
That's better then I can do. You can put money on it if I get to setting up a female crestie tank which is just for display not breeding I'll be picking your brains. I'd say I'd buy you a drink for your trouble as I'm sure I'll have a lot of questions but distance is a bit of an issue.
EL Ziggy
06-13-15, 05:50 PM
Beautiful snakes Mink. I have the same branch that Moko has in three of my tanks :). I'm not a fan of the wood liner but other than that I like your enclosures. ;)
06-13-15, 05:54 PM
I'm always avaliable for gecko chat! ^_^ of you have Skype, PM me. =)
Ziggy. I would preffer yo put substrate, but I have tried 4 different kinds, and none of them work. Some dried him out too much, others held too much humidity. Since he's in a visual tank, I didn't just want paper towels lol. I mean, if the liner doesn't work, I will go back to paper towels, buuuut...gotta give this a try first lol.
06-13-15, 05:59 PM
I'm always avaliable for gecko chat! ^_^ of you have Skype, PM me. =)
Ziggy. I would preffer yo put substrate, but I have tried 4 different kinds, and none of them work. Some dried him out too much, others held too much humidity. Since he's in a visual tank, I didn't just want paper towels lol. I mean, if the liner doesn't work, I will go back to paper towels, buuuut...gotta give this a try first lol.
Have you tried cypress mulch? I used cocohusk for my BP in winter here to keep humidity up because aspen was always dry. Come spring and warm humid weather I ended up with mold because I couldn't drop it no mater how I tried with fans etc so I switched to cypress (I would dry it out first but in the rush I didn't have that kind of time mold was more important) Now I have cypress and my room humidity is 50% in the room and 60% in the cage approx. It fluctuates to around 10% higher then room humidity. I have empty cage with the door open so I see what the room conditions are and the conditions inside my BPs cage. Obviously the cage will be filled and I'll buy a new sensor.
06-13-15, 06:02 PM
I haven't yet actually because I'm worried about the mold. I have thought of reptibark though. I really do prrfer more natural looking substrates.
06-13-15, 06:17 PM
I haven't yet actually because I'm worried about the mold. I have thought of reptibark though. I really do prrfer more natural looking substrates.
I could be wrong but I've been told cypress doesn't mold easy. I've had 60-70% for a few weeks and still okay.
06-13-15, 06:21 PM
Cypress mulch and sphagnum moss are the most mold resistant substrates I have used. Reptibark comes after that, and coco husk/coir and aspen seem to be more prone to mold than the others. I like a mix of repti-bark and sphagnum moss which holds up well in moderate to high humidity.
06-13-15, 06:23 PM
Maybe I was thinking of something else. I'll have to see if I can find any around here.
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