View Full Version : First time snake owner

06-01-15, 10:40 PM
Hello all. I'm getting a ball python this week and need to know everything I... need to know. lol Anyway I think I'm getting a 40 gal, but is that ok for a baby python? It seems like they might not like a big tank while they're small. Any other tips at all? Thanks for reading! :D

06-02-15, 05:41 AM

As for the 40 gallon, it really depends. I wpuld suggest something smaller for a baby like a 20 gallon long. But if you want to keep the 40, I suggest ALOT of hides to help it feel safer.

Good luck and give us pics when you get everything set!

06-02-15, 06:14 AM
Welcome, from Huntsvegas!

Not everyone agrees, but, personally, I think your snake will be fine in a 40gal as long as you give it plenty of cover, as mink suggested.

06-02-15, 01:15 PM

As for the 40 gallon, it really depends. I wpuld suggest something smaller for a baby like a 20 gallon long. But if you want to keep the 40, I suggest ALOT of hides to help it feel safer.

Good luck and give us pics when you get everything set!

Ok, thanks for responding! will definately post pics as I get things set up.

06-02-15, 01:19 PM
Welcome, from Huntsvegas!

Not everyone agrees, but, personally, I think your snake will be fine in a 40gal as long as you give it plenty of cover, as mink suggested.

Thank you! :D I'm new to the area so do you know if there are any good reptile stores are around here? I'll be sure to get lots of cover and hiding spots.

06-02-15, 02:12 PM
I'm in the same situation as another member, Praireboyfarmer. $49.99 for baby ball pytons at petsmart on sale, and a 40 gal at petco for $59.99. Are both overpriced?

EDIT: I've made a couple other posts but it said that they needed to be approved by a moderator before others could view them, dont know why this one was different. Sorry, forum nooby! :nerd:

06-02-15, 06:59 PM
I'm in the same situation as another member, Praireboyfarmer. $49.99 for baby ball pytons at petsmart on sale, and a 40 gal at petco for $59.99. Are both overpriced?

Those aren't terrible prices, but you could probably do better. Go out to Animal Trax in madison. They've pretty much stopped carrying a lot of animals and mostly just focus on feeders now. But, ask David (or if he's not working, one of the other guys) for a local breeder. I'm sure they can point you toward someone in the Huntsville area that's breeding BP's.

Repticon had one of their mini shows (Reptiday) here in town last year. But so far they don't seem to have scheduled one for this year. The Dixie Reptile show is in Birmingham every month. They had a show in Huntsville a couple of months ago. I think they're planning to come back in Oct, but that's a few months away.

06-03-15, 02:18 PM
The price on the aquarium is pretty good.

06-03-15, 04:08 PM
Thank you soooo much for that reccomendation! Could not have been easier. David was so helpful and we got everything we needed. He was very blunt and honest about everything and contacted a breeder he knows and will get the snake by tomorrow or sometime next week. Setting up the tank right now, will post pics when it's done.

We did get that tank from petco, david told us it was a great deal so we went for it. Luckily there was 1 left in stock when we went for it.

06-03-15, 04:15 PM
Always keep an eye out for deals. I ended up getting two 36x18x18 enclosures from Petsmart for the price of one.

06-03-15, 05:32 PM
My advice would have been to wait and do all of your research before buying anything. But since that is probably out of the question, I would do your research now. I'm not a ball python expert, but the basic essentials you'll need are an undertank heater of some description, a thermostat to regulate temperature(not a thermometer), a thermometer to check the temps and a hygrometer to check the humidity. If you're using a screen top tank, you're going to need something to lock the top down. many people also cover the screen with aluminum foil to retain humidity.

06-03-15, 06:11 PM
Hey and welcome.

06-03-15, 06:54 PM
Hi and thanks sharthun!

Ok cosmic, thanks for the tips, will remember that.

06-03-15, 07:34 PM
40 gallon should be fine. Just place hides on both the hot side and cool side.

06-03-15, 07:40 PM
Thank you soooo much for that reccomendation! Could not have been easier. David was so helpful and we got everything we needed. He was very blunt and honest about everything and contacted a breeder he knows and will get the snake by tomorrow or sometime next week. Setting up the tank right now, will post pics when it's done.

We did get that tank from petco, david told us it was a great deal so we went for it. Luckily there was 1 left in stock when we went for it.

David is a great guy and very knowledgeable. I've been doing business there for years. I hope he never closes down. You won't find a better source for feeders.

06-04-15, 02:00 PM
David is a great guy and very knowledgeable. I've been doing business there for years. I hope he never closes down. You won't find a better source for feeders.

I can tell, it couldn't of been an easier or more honest visit. I'll def go back to him for mice