View Full Version : Speckled Kingsnake Eggs

Coyote B
05-26-15, 08:17 PM
I rescued a king from a neighbors shovel the other day, and while I was waiting to let her go out in the country at my parents, she laid eggs! Pretty cool stuff and obviously unexpected. Works out since the eggs might gotten wash out with this crazy rain we have had in Houston.

I have 4 healthy looking eggs in a tupper ware box with a few small holes. 1:.75 weight of vermiculite and water as the substrate and the temp will be right around 78-80.

Ill hopefully have a good update with some babies in a couple months!

Edit question: I found them stuck together and I'm not comfortable separating. I found them exactly like this. 1 is flat and the others are laying at a 45 degree angle. Is it ok that they aren't laying flat?

EL Ziggy
05-26-15, 08:28 PM
Good save and best wishes with those eggs Coyote!

05-26-15, 08:28 PM
Omg that is so cool!

05-27-15, 05:44 AM
I rescued a king from a neighbors shovel the other day, and while I was waiting to let her go out in the country at my parents, she laid eggs! Pretty cool stuff and obviously unexpected. Works out since the eggs might gotten wash out with this crazy rain we have had in Houston.

I have 4 healthy looking eggs in a tupper ware box with a few small holes. 1:.75 weight of vermiculite and water as the substrate and the temp will be right around 78-80.

Ill hopefully have a good update with some babies in a couple months!

Edit question: I found them stuck together and I'm not comfortable separating. I found them exactly like this. 1 is flat and the others are laying at a 45 degree angle. Is it ok that they aren't laying flat?

Yes, they're fine not laying flat.

I had a similar situation when I was a kid (10-12). I caught a black kingsnake that laid eggs in my care. Back then, information about captive herps was basically nonexistent. I just tried to simulate what I thought would happen in nature - I put them in a fish bowl and covered them with a layer of dirt and sat it on my dresser. :sorry: I did cover the top of the fish bowl, more to keep baby snakes from escaping than humidity. But, to everyone's surprise, 8 beautiful little kings hatched out a few weeks later. Looking back, I'm sure my room was pretty warm. We lived in AL, and only had a window unit AC in the living room.

I released all the babies. I had intentions of keeping one, but I quickly realized I didn't have access to food small enough for it. So, I released it as well.

Anyway, good luck.

Coyote B
07-21-15, 07:12 PM
First cute little one is out. Other 3 have dented but not pipped.

07-21-15, 07:15 PM

Going to keep them?

Coyote B
07-21-15, 08:01 PM
Thanks! Yeah I will keep them at least until they get bigger. No harm in upping the survival rate a bit ;)

07-21-15, 08:12 PM
man...speckled kings are some of my favs! nice job!!!