View Full Version : Margherita: A Portrait (albino burm)

05-25-15, 05:58 AM
When I joined these forums, I saw myself posting update threads on my creatures on a semi-regular basis. Life's got a weird way of just changing your plans up, doesn't it? I remember the day I picked this little one up from the breeders' place an hour north of where I live. I picked her out and I thought that I'd be there to see her grow gracefully into a beautiful giant. Unfortunately, life got in the way of that particular vision. Luckily, leaving my pets is the worst part of this massive journey I'm about to embark on. If everything goes well, I will be living in a different country within the year. Landed a huge international scholarship and I'm looking forward to experiencing and living this life to the fullest. Areté all day.

I took some pictures of her recently. Not quite the grand photo shoot I had in mind. Considering the amount of stuff on my plate, I'm just glad I'll have these to hold onto.


She turned 2 this month. Already over 10ft. long. Not sure exactly where she'll be when I'm back in town. I've already posted her up for sale on local sites, but I also have a friend who might be willing to take her. For now, I'm just enjoying the time I have left with these creatures I will be leaving. I will miss them all.

EL Ziggy
05-25-15, 10:15 AM
Best in your studies Guy and I hope you find great homes for all your animals.

05-25-15, 01:40 PM
Gorgeous critter!

Albert Clark
05-25-15, 01:48 PM
Well, good luck in where life takes you. It appears the animal was well cared for and hopefully he wont miss that in his new home. Stay safe and keep in touch.

05-25-15, 06:58 PM
Good luck with whatever you decide to do, man. Make sure your animals get placed in good hands before you go.

dave himself
05-25-15, 11:11 PM
She's beautiful mate and I'm sure you will miss her. Good luck in all you do and all the best in your travels :)

05-26-15, 04:11 AM
Rattlehead, Albert Clark, Dave, Thanks a bunch guys. I appreciate the kind words. It's been a little hectic and there's so much happening. However, the times I slow down and take a breath, I realize how amazing life truly is and it's all good. There's always going to be time in the future for these wonderful creatures.

El-Ziggy, KyleKennedy, Thanks! I'm doing everything I can right now to ensure that they get the best new homes possible. I'm not leaving for another 5-6 months, so I have plenty of time. My dog is going to live with my mom, rabbits are going to a buddy. My rat colony is still producing, but at a toned down rate. Feeders will be culled, keepers and breeders are already reserved to some friends who are more than happy to take in my stock. My pastel's already gotten a few offers, got someone coming in this week to check her out. I'm really hoping that my good friend can make some room for my burm. If he can, I know that I'll always be able to visit. Otherwise, I'll be sure to find her a good home.

Albert Clark
05-26-15, 08:42 AM
I can't help it, but it feels like I am watching a very sad, emotional motion picture here. OK. I'm out.

05-26-15, 08:58 AM
Hopefully your buddy can take her. I would for a friend in need! Good luck and congrats on the life change. As hard as it is, I hope it ends up being the beat thing =)

05-26-15, 11:07 AM
beautiful. good luck

05-27-15, 06:11 AM
Albert Clark - lol, I'm just being overly sentimental. Truth be told, I don't have a bond with any of my reptiles like I do with my dog. Leaving him will be the most difficult. Getting Margherita was symbolic. I got her right after another big life change, transitioning back into civilian life and my situation with her is changing once again. It's like the end of an era, man.

Minkness - Yeah, I hope so too. I do understand though that feeding a huge animal like this makes it a pretty big deal. Thank you! I'm getting incredibly good gut feels from this change. I really wish I could take my pets though. haha

psychocircus - Thanks man, I appreciate it!

05-27-15, 07:26 AM
I'm with ya. My life is coming with some big changes as well. Not as severe, but big all the same. I feel lucky that I am able to my pets with me, even if my cat will be staying with mom for a few months while I aave up a second per deposit.

05-30-15, 01:49 AM
I'm with ya. My life is coming with some big changes as well. Not as severe, but big all the same. I feel lucky that I am able to my pets with me, even if my cat will be staying with mom for a few months while I aave up a second per deposit.

Change is good for the soul. I'm glad you can take your creatures with. Good luck with yours as well! :)