View Full Version : Hello

05-21-15, 04:28 PM
Hi all, I'm a new member to this forum.
I own a 75% jaguar jungle carpet female and
I like to browse around on this forum...


05-23-15, 06:30 AM
Hi new to the forum and I just got me a 75% jaguar jungle carpet python,
Its not my first snake but its been around 20 years ago since I had a snake.
I used to have a boa constrictor 3 meters think it was a Colombian not sure but I had to give her up due to military service..anyway I will be posting a pictures as soon I get clearance to do so


05-23-15, 11:45 PM
Hi and welcome!

Albert Clark
05-25-15, 03:19 PM
Hello and glad you chose to be with us. What is the other 25% of the cp?

07-25-15, 02:06 PM
Hello again !!
A small update. I just got me a baby spotted python from the reptile show today. I was finally able to handle a Anaconda for the first time {dream came true) I wish I had room to bring it home with me.