View Full Version : i want them both!!

05-21-15, 01:59 PM
Passed by these guys for months without ever noticing them. Not the colour contrast im into, but they are 2 years old, eating great and healthy!!and not too too agressive. Might jump on it!!

05-21-15, 02:23 PM
What are they?

05-21-15, 02:30 PM
Pair of atb

05-21-15, 05:10 PM
Ya Ive seen that pair. Who at that store said theyre not aggresive cause I heard otherwise? The olny person I trust from that store for info on their repitles is Tom.

EL Ziggy
05-21-15, 06:04 PM
Beautiful snakes. Are they good with cohabitation?

05-21-15, 08:18 PM
Generally no. They shouldn't be Cohabiting.

They're a fun species to keep. If all goes well i should have my first litter next spring/summer.

Albert Clark
05-21-15, 08:52 PM
Is one female and the other a male? Are they from the same locality.

05-21-15, 09:50 PM
Is one female and the other a male? Are they from the same locality.

If they're both hortulanus than yes. Think of it like ball pythons

05-22-15, 10:33 AM
Justin - I'm not sure who i was talking to, but he stuck his hand in and Picked the male up a bit. He didn't say they weren't agressive... He said they aren't too aggressive lol. The guy was a younger guy 25-30 and said he breeds emeralds. Seemed pretty knowledgeable and said he's the only ones enjoys been caring for them since for the past two years

Albert- one is male and one is female. The males been trying too lol but nothing yet

05-22-15, 05:24 PM
Justin - I'm not sure who i was talking to, but he stuck his hand in and Picked the male up a bit. He didn't say they weren't agressive... He said they aren't too aggressive lol. The guy was a younger guy 25-30 and said he breeds emeralds. Seemed pretty knowledgeable and said he's the only ones enjoys been caring for them since for the past two years

Albert- one is male and one is female. The males been trying too lol but nothing yet

sorry i meant to say the males been trying to lock