View Full Version : Little bit cheeky

05-20-15, 10:47 PM
So I've started to notice a bit of a cheeky trend my JCP has gotten into.
She seems to know that when I walk into her room holding plastic bags that I'm about to do a full scale clean out of her cage.
Generally speaking she is easy to take out but whenever she sees me with the bags she decides to evade me and do a few laps of her cage to avoid me.
Knowing full well she has no idea what I'm saying I find myself arguing with her.
Took me about 10 minutes to get her out last night. :angry:
Starting to think she just enjoys messing with me when I have an unpleasant job to do.

EL Ziggy
05-21-15, 06:15 PM
Good luck with that M. Cleaning enclosures is my least favorite snake keeping chore.

05-21-15, 09:56 PM
its like she tries to cause trouble. Like after feedings is when she wants to come out and be handled. Before feedings she couldnt care less.

05-26-15, 03:49 AM
Silly. They do seem more sentient than usual at times, don't they?