View Full Version : Stressed snake behavior?

05-20-15, 02:40 PM

So this question is out of curiosity and whatnot. I've got my lovely little RB all happy in a tub with 80% humidity and a 70-80 degree heat gradient.

She seems very calm and chill when being handled, and is not snappy at all. I just want to make sure I am not misinterpreting her behavior, since I plan on handling her often. I'm great at reading cat and bird body language, but I'm new to snakes. Sorry if this has been asked before!

What are some behaviors to look for when a rainbow boa is starting to get stressed out while handling? When do I know I should reaaally put her back into her enclosure?

05-20-15, 07:57 PM
Two things that most people miss. Heavy breathing and complacency.

You'll visibly see the snakes sides move in and out pretty rapidly for their breathing. Usually a sign of stress.

I also find snakes that normally move a lot all of a sudden stop and stay still usually means they aren't comfortable.

Also, if the snake isn't eating but you won't know that while handling.

05-21-15, 02:04 PM
^^ Good tips.

On the flip side, some snakes get unusually squirmy/flighty...an effort to get away from you.

Albert Clark
05-21-15, 09:18 PM
Snakes in general, I am not too sure about RB specifically, will hiss and or make blowing noises from their mouths and noses when stressed. Lastly they may just bite you. Especially after you've been warned by them.

05-21-15, 09:32 PM
I notice my rainbows get really active when they don't want to be out anymore.

05-21-15, 09:59 PM
Thanks guys, these tips are quite helpful! Now I feel better about bothering Chaska randomly, hahaha. I'm only used to handling wild snakes, it's rather odd to have such a calm, tame snake around now :)