View Full Version : Bag of 50 large adult mice from rodentpro

05-17-15, 08:01 AM
I was thinking of buying these for my corn snake to save some money and make sure that my corn doesn't get any parasites or illnesses from live feeders. My only concern is that the bag might not fit in our freezer, as it's one of those full length, narrow freezers. If anybody buys these, could you give me the dimensions of the bag? Thanks!

Bluz Brotherz
05-17-15, 08:29 AM
I'm not sure about the dimensions of the bag, but I wouldn't buy it if I were you. You said you only had one corn? It would take it almost a year to eat all of those and by then most of em would develop freezer burn and lose a serious amount of nutrients. A bag that size is more for breeders or people who just have a large collection.

I would go to your local pet shop and see if they have any frozen mice, most of em do, and don't buy any more than a month's supply of them. That way it'll fit in your freezer and will probably be fresher (I always check to see when the mice were killed, since some of em can be in there for months).

Jim Smith
05-17-15, 08:32 AM
I buy from RodentPro all the time, and I think you'll find that a bag of 50 large mice do not take up nearly as much space as you would expect. They are usually in a large ziplock freezer bag that is about 12x12 inches and about 1.5" thick. If they are extra large mice (old breeders) then there will be 25 per bag, so two bags. If you're talking about a side-by-side freezer, you should have no problems at all. I hope this helps...

EL Ziggy
05-17-15, 09:27 AM
I do think that buying f/t is more cost effective and convenient than feeding live even with just one snake. I'm not sure how large your corn is, or how much and how often you feed him, but 50 large mice should last at least 6-8 months. I would recommend Big Cheese over Rodentpro though. I've tried both companies and Big Cheese has better packaging and cleaner feeders IMO. The tray for 25 jumbo mice is 12x9 so it should fit easily in your freezer. I got these feeders a few days ago.

http://i1319.photobucket.com/albums/t674/EL-Ziggy/Mobile%20Uploads/20150517_110549_zpsemhtbuke.jpg (http://s1319.photobucket.com/user/EL-Ziggy/media/Mobile%20Uploads/20150517_110549_zpsemhtbuke.jpg.html)

05-17-15, 09:34 AM
I do think that buying f/t is more cost effective and convenient than feeding live even with just one snake. I'm not sure how large your corn is, or how much and how often you feed him, but 50 large mice should last at least 6-8 months. I would recommend Big Cheese over Rodentpro though. I've tried both companies and Big Cheese has better packaging and cleaner feeders IMO. The tray for 25 jumbo mice is 12x9 so it should fit easily in your freezer. I got these feeders a few days ago.

http://i1319.photobucket.com/albums/t674/EL-Ziggy/Mobile%20Uploads/20150517_110549_zpsemhtbuke.jpg (http://s1319.photobucket.com/user/EL-Ziggy/media/Mobile%20Uploads/20150517_110549_zpsemhtbuke.jpg.html)

^^^ I agreee.

Albert Clark
05-17-15, 02:47 PM
Definitely Big cheese over rodent pro!!

05-17-15, 07:31 PM
I'm just waiting for all my guys to eat the same size feeders. While growing (and quickly I might say) it's cheaper for me to get mine from a local place. They aren't as cheap as BC or RP, but I'm not paying for shipping either, and they are WAY cheaper than PetCo or Petsmart. (Blew me away those places charged 6 bucks for a small rat!)

Once I'm not purchasing 3 different sized feeders, I have full intentions of buying from Big Cheese.

As far as freezer space. I have air tight locking lid Tupperware that I put them in. I seperate them in groups and individually baggie them (5 mice or 10 pinkies/fuzzies per baggie), then suck as much air out as I can (I have a small hand held vacuum with a hose that does it perfectly), then seal the baggies (ziplocks) and put them in the air tight Tupperware to help prevent frezzer burn from too much air being in the container. I have colored Tupperware as well so mom doesn't have to see them, and they stack neatly in the freezer door.


05-18-15, 02:41 AM
Thanks for your help, guys! I will definitely consider buying from big cheese instead, and choosing a smaller quantity.

05-18-15, 03:02 AM
I have a very small area set aside for my rodents. The box is a crisper in the freezer section of the refridgerator that measures 13"x8"x10" (LxWxH). I can fit the 100 mouse pinks, 50 hopper mice, 25 jumbo mice, 25 rat pups, 15 small rats, 5 large rats, and I have 7 or 8 4-8 oz rabbits for all my snakes in there. There's not a bit of room to spare, but I can fit all of that in the freezer's crisper. So I'm sure you could fit one 50 pack of adult mice in that freezer for sure!

Even one snake should be a lot cheaper. Let's say the adult mice were $4 a pop at your local pet store (that's actually maybe a bit cheaper than what my local pet store sells them for). That's $208 for that one snake (with 52 weeks/year), with just the food and not including gas if you drive out there weekly to get it. One 50 pack of adult mice that will last you almost an entire year at Big Cheese, including shipping, is $46.50 with shipping (to my house in NC). That is way less than even half of what you'd be paying at the store. I could try calling and checking the price, but even at $2 a pop, that's $104/yr. Which I doubt it's that cheap considering they were selling mouse pinks for $1.25 a pop....

05-18-15, 04:38 AM
^^^^^^ Yes!

I'm only waiting because I don't want to order 50 pinkies then have my littlest one need to bump up to fuzzies after only 10 lol

EL Ziggy
05-18-15, 08:46 AM
I know what you mean Mink. It can be a pain to have a lot of leftover undersized feeders, especially pinks. It took me a while to get the hang of ordering for the immediate, short term, and future feeder sizes. Like you said they grow fast when they're young. I bought a few pinks retail since I knew my snakes wouldn't need them for long at all. Then I bought a bag of fuzzys and hoppers that they all could eat off of for the next few months. If they outgrew those too quick I just gave them multiple prey items until it was time for the next order. I also kept adding snakes so that solved the problem too. I've got it down to a science now. :)

05-18-15, 09:19 AM
I got 25 adult mice from Big Cheese coming. Thanks for your help once again. c:

05-18-15, 11:05 AM
Ziggy...best way to fix the problem. "Leftover feeders? BUY ANOTHER SNAKE!" lol. I'm at my limit for a while sadly and currently feeding multiple undersized to take care of what I have left. =)

05-18-15, 08:27 PM
I'm not sure about the dimensions of the bag, but I wouldn't buy it if I were you. You said you only had one corn? It would take it almost a year to eat all of those and by then most of em would develop freezer burn and lose a serious amount of nutrients. .

Is this a serious issue? I buy in bulk and feed over time, a few months or so. How much does one lose in freezer burn, over just regular deep frozen over time? And how do you spot freezer burn?

EL Ziggy
05-18-15, 11:40 PM
I haven't had any issues with frozen feeders and I've stored some as long as 10 months. A typical order lasts closer to 4-6 months now. My snakes seem to be growing well.

05-20-15, 10:35 PM
Just get more snakes then it's easy to justify having a freezer filled with rodents... but there's always someone who wants live lol