View Full Version : How long.............

05-12-02, 08:56 PM
Just wondering what's the longest anyone has had a ball python go without food. Not including the cool down period. The reason I ask is because I've got three yearling ball pythons and it's been about 2 1/2 months since their last meal.

Thanks Ian

Darren Hamill
05-12-02, 10:39 PM
I once had an adult male go without for over a year. He was originally an import that someone bought at a local pet store. That person offered him to me one day because he was tired of having to feed him Gerbils. I simply didn't offer him Gerbils. I offered him a variety of rats or mice every two or three weeks until he eventually began feeding on his own on live mice. His weight was good to begin with and after one year of waiting before be began feeding he still had a good weight on him!

As long as the Ball is healthy and plump before hand and there is always fresh drinking water available. I see no problem with giving them plenty of time to eat. Just make sure they keep good weight and are stress free.

Corey Woods
05-13-02, 05:13 AM
I once had a sub adult female go 56 weeks without eating. She then took 2 medium rats over a 2 week period and then went another 20 months without eating. I eventually got her eating and the sold her to a friend of mine and she is now one of his best eaters (Isn't that always the way!!!!).


jason h
05-13-02, 06:23 AM
8 months with no harm she stops for 5-6 months every year! she is now 11 yrs old.

05-13-02, 09:22 AM
I have a ball who ate last night after 5 month and a half .. (got him back with a live gerbil .. then he ate a dead rat ..

and my femal ball has now hit the 6 month .. It frustrates me a bit .. but she is perfectly healthy and has great body weight .

Longest snake ever off food for me was a burm .. when I got him, he had not eaten in 8 month .. He then ate 1 small rat and went of food for an other 8 month again .. he now pounds rabbits every 2weeks! (many of my snakes have gone from my best feeders to worst and vice versa..)
