View Full Version : Water Monitor Upgrade

dave himself
05-09-15, 04:25 PM
Thought she needed an upgrade so this should do her for a while. It's a 6x3x3 lined with cork bark 33Ltr pool and waterfall

http://i1081.photobucket.com/albums/j342/davy64/snakes/IMAG1697.jpg (http://s1081.photobucket.com/user/davy64/media/snakes/IMAG1697.jpg.html)

Thanks for looking :)

05-09-15, 05:32 PM
Very nice! Hopefully that lasts her at least 6 more months!

05-09-15, 05:39 PM
Thats beautiful. What did you use to make the pool?

05-09-15, 07:59 PM
All that for a temporary cage!? That's some serious dedication right there! I need to step my terrarium game up I think.
How old is she? How big? I wanted to take that plunge before I got my Ackie. However living in a metropolitan area doesn't give me a whole lot of room.

dave himself
05-10-15, 06:59 AM
Very nice! Hopefully that lasts her at least 6 more months!
Thanks Kyle we'll just upgrade her as she needs it :)

Thats beautiful. What did you use to make the pool?
The pool is made from a plastic tub backlit with blue LEDs. There is a stone surround and lid these were cut to size. The stone lid covering the tub is not that heavy so it can be lifted to remove the tub for cleaning.

dave himself
05-10-15, 07:07 AM
All that for a temporary cage!? That's some serious dedication right there! I need to step my terrarium game up I think.
How old is she? How big? I wanted to take that plunge before I got my Ackie. However living in a metropolitan area doesn't give me a whole lot of room.

This was built in a shop I help out at in my spare time which has huge floor space, she's a few months old and would be a few feet in length. If you look you can see her basking underneath the heat light. And although this is her temporary viv when she out grows it the owner will just build something bigger for her and we'll put something into this so it won't go to waste :)

05-10-15, 10:04 AM
This was built in a shop I help out at in my spare time which has huge floor space, she's a few months old and would be a few feet in length. If you look you can see her basking underneath the heat light. And although this is her temporary viv when she out grows it the owner will just build something bigger for her and we'll put something into this so it won't go to waste :)

I didn't even notice she was in the picture on the first look. My Vivs look so barren now. Nice job!

05-10-15, 12:31 PM
Wow nice upgrade Dave!

dave himself
05-10-15, 02:21 PM
Wow nice upgrade Dave!

Thanks Steve but all the credit has to go to Eddie this girls keeper and owner of the shop, he spoils her rotten :)

Albert Clark
05-10-15, 03:40 PM
Ingenious! What a naturalistic enviornment! Congrats .

05-11-15, 10:52 PM
Quite a nice looking enclosure. Is that a basking area up at the top right too? Have you considered adding a nice deep substrate in your next enclosure? That will help you control your humidity more consistently and give the monitor options in case you have a female.

05-11-15, 11:28 PM
Dave buddie this awesome! one lucky monitor

05-12-15, 10:53 AM
You must have a huge house!