View Full Version : A bit of exercise

dave himself
05-09-15, 02:57 PM
My mate came round tonight so we got Jenny out for a bit of exercise so we snapped some pics

http://i1081.photobucket.com/albums/j342/davy64/snakes/IMAG1711.jpg (http://s1081.photobucket.com/user/davy64/media/snakes/IMAG1711.jpg.html)

http://i1081.photobucket.com/albums/j342/davy64/snakes/IMAG1704.jpg (http://s1081.photobucket.com/user/davy64/media/snakes/IMAG1704.jpg.html)

Thanks for looking :)

05-09-15, 03:46 PM
Awesome! Typical retic, always going up!

EL Ziggy
05-09-15, 07:01 PM
That is awesome!

05-10-15, 01:57 AM
good looking snake I cant wait for mine to be that size..

05-10-15, 04:43 AM
Stop making me want one XD

David VB
05-10-15, 04:55 AM
Stop making me want one XD

Stop saying that and just get one!!! :p

She's lovely as always Dave ;)

05-10-15, 05:48 AM
I can't house one. =(

Apartment plus someone who is already afraid of snakes....I'm happy with what I'm 'allowed' to have.....for now lol

I really hope that lacey act thing is over turned though.

dave himself
05-10-15, 07:14 AM
Awesome! Typical retic, always going up!

Thanks Kyle, the light shade in the background is her favourite target at the minute :D

That is awesome!

Thanks Ziggy :)

dave himself
05-10-15, 07:17 AM
good looking snake I cant wait for mine to be that size..

Thanks mate and you'll not have to wait to long ;)

Stop making me want one XD

Everyone needs a retic :)

dave himself
05-10-15, 07:26 AM
Stop saying that and just get one!!! :p

She's lovely as always Dave ;)

Thanks David :)

I can't house one. =(

Apartment plus someone who is already afraid of snakes....I'm happy with what I'm 'allowed' to have.....for now lol

I really hope that lacey act thing is over turned though.

Minkness you should look into super dwarfs they could be what your looking for :). And that whole lacey act thing is messed up I really hope it goes well for you folks

05-10-15, 12:32 PM
Beautiful girl Dave! Reaching for the stars!:cool:

dave himself
05-10-15, 02:13 PM
Beautiful girl Dave! Reaching for the stars!:cool:

Thanks Steve, and this seems to be getting the Jenny normal pose at the moment. As I said she is determined to get the hold of the light shades, Lisa is always shouting at her as if that's gonna do any good :D

05-10-15, 02:38 PM
Thanks Steve, and this seems to be getting the Jenny normal pose at the moment. As I said she is determined to get the hold of the light shades, Lisa is always shouting at her as if that's gonna do any good :D

Yeah I think we talk to them.I catch myself all the time!:p

Albert Clark
05-10-15, 03:36 PM
Great looking retic mate! What is she eating these days?

05-10-15, 05:03 PM
Looking good Dave! I didn't realize how big she is!

dave himself
05-10-15, 08:13 PM
Great looking retic mate! What is she eating these days?
Thanks Albert she's on medium rabbits around every 14 days or more. And I never feed her whenever she's in shed so sometimes it can be almost 4 weeks between feeds

Looking good Dave! I didn't realize how big she is!

Thanks Snoopy I think she's taking another little growth spurt :D

dave himself
05-10-15, 08:15 PM
Yeah I think we talk to them.I catch myself all the time!:p

I have to admit to it as well mate :rolleyes:

05-19-15, 09:33 PM
Thanks Kyle, the light shade in the background is her favourite target at the minute :D

Sounds about right, always go for the thing that's the easiest to damage.