View Full Version : Blue tongue skink enclosure

05-07-15, 09:15 AM
I've been wanting a bluey for a couple years now and I've been doing a lot of reading lately, but the main thing I'm conflicted on is size of enclosure. I've read from some that a 36inx18in is sufficient (seems a little small to me), but then others have said that you need a 6ftx2ft minimum (way too big for my home). So what is a comfortable size enclosure for a BTS without being outrageously large?

05-07-15, 10:46 AM
Not certain but 4'x2' sounds like a happy medium to me. From the adults ive seen I think 4x2 would be fine.

05-08-15, 12:12 PM
Where could I even find a 4x2? I've looked all over the internet and at all the pet stores I can think of and can't find any that size anywhere. I even checked the local craigslist ads, still nothing.

05-08-15, 12:28 PM
Ive got one that size from my local reptile retail supplier. Im sure if you google the dimensions with terrarium at the end you will be able to find something. all the results I got were local to me not from the states

RAD House
05-08-15, 12:50 PM
A standatd seventy five gallon tank is 48" wide by 18" deep by 21" tall

05-09-15, 08:22 PM
Try glasscages.com (not sure if it will link or if I can link) I highly recommend them for price, weight and durability. Go to sliding fronts and find a grey acryllic.

My bluey has a 4x18x25 (the 90 gallon grey acryllic) so I would say 4x18x12 is plenty. I just like the height for display purposes.

Mine isn't a big Tiliqua Scincoides though either which might need 4 x 2.

05-10-15, 07:19 AM
Animal Plastics makes a 48X24X12 enclosure that happens to be on sale right now for $150! Animal Plastics (http://www.apcages.com)

it's under terrestrial cages and is the t8

05-13-15, 09:26 AM
Thanks guys for all the replies! I really like the tanks from glasscages.com, I'm gonna have to keep that one in mind. But now I've come across another problem, I've been browsing around and I cant seem to find any place that has blueys, online or local. I've found a couple of breeders, but none of their sites are updated and I'd prefer to avoid shipping, as far as local goes I haven't found anyone that's selling their bluey or any stores that have any. Their is a repticon that's going to be in my area in September-October, but is it common to find any blue tongues there? I'm not sure where else to look at this point.

06-29-15, 01:40 PM
I think a 4x2x2 would be quite small, since blueys get almost as long as that cage is wide.

07-16-15, 06:06 AM
I think a 4x2x2 would be quite small, since blueys get almost as long as that cage is wide.

I will have to sorely disagree, I had my bts in a 55 gal. That was narrow and my big guy grew out of it. A 4X2X2 is excellent for bts. They are not as active compared to Bearded dragons or Frilled dragons. Even a 21 plus inch Northern bts would not use all the space and grow out of it.http://i284.photobucket.com/albums/ll11/JCTRock/temporary_zps4e43c9b0.jpg (http://s284.photobucket.com/user/JCTRock/media/temporary_zps4e43c9b0.jpg.html)