View Full Version : How To Build Trust

05-03-15, 04:10 PM
I have had different types of snakes for years now both aggressive and docile and i have decided it was time to get back into lizards. i went out and bought a argentine black and white tegu. now this is not my first time owning lizards so i have an idea of what im doing, no expert tho. my problem is the tegu stays under the substrate most of the time when i am home and while im at work those are the hours he is out. so how can i build trust with him when i dont see him. i dont want to take him out of his hide but if i dont there will be no interaction what so ever. i dont want to force handle him either. i have tried holding out food and having him climb on my hand as a start but everytime i put my hand in the cage he puffs up and i get a few good smacks with the tail. if anyone has any suggestions i would really appreciate the advice. i know it takes alot of patients to build trust.

05-04-15, 09:12 AM
It take take months before they are comfortable enough to be out and about in your presence. Just take it slow, no forceful interaction, and eventually he'll learn that you're not a threat. Once he does that you can start on the tong feeding, touching, etc. :)