View Full Version : how much

02-18-03, 07:07 PM
i was wondering how much a crascent gecko would cost and what do u guys feed your little guys

02-19-03, 05:07 AM
It depends on whether you get a juvenile/subadult/adult... and male/female sometimes matters in price, and also the color pattern or morph, for the cost of a crested gecko. Generally you can get juvies from breeders for $70-$125, and subadults and adults get higher in price.... If you're not looking for anything too fancy as in colorwise, you could probably get a subadult crested for $140-$175. They are fed fruit and baby food everyother day as well as crickets, mealworms, silkworms.... most people feed theirs crickets as the staple diet. Hope this helped!