04-24-15, 11:49 PM
Ok First I want to point out that me or my wife are not professional photographers lol so excuse the crappy pics I promise to get better.
Now I have had voldemort for about two months, he is great he is laid back very calm retic, never offered to strike me but I am always on guard with him I always expect it. When he first got to me he had a bit of fang face but with jay brewers help got that taken care of and now his face is great he eats like a machine great feeding response, hasn't missed a meal even when he was in blue he has shed once since Iv had him. didn't come in one piece but from what I read that's hard to get because of there skin being so thin, but it all came off no problem, he has outgrown his current home and he will be getting a new one in the next couple of weeks I am getting the t8 from animal plastics,then in the fall he will be getting the t70. The t8 will be ordered on Monday, but with out further adue here is some pics of him and all of his glory, I love this big guy he is treated as royalty and is very respected. In the two months I have had him he has gotten SO much bigger than when he arrived. and excuse my wifes feet in the background, I also had been playing gta 5 on my pc so thats why my keyboard and controllers were setting in the floor decided to hook it up to the big tv. :)
Now I have had voldemort for about two months, he is great he is laid back very calm retic, never offered to strike me but I am always on guard with him I always expect it. When he first got to me he had a bit of fang face but with jay brewers help got that taken care of and now his face is great he eats like a machine great feeding response, hasn't missed a meal even when he was in blue he has shed once since Iv had him. didn't come in one piece but from what I read that's hard to get because of there skin being so thin, but it all came off no problem, he has outgrown his current home and he will be getting a new one in the next couple of weeks I am getting the t8 from animal plastics,then in the fall he will be getting the t70. The t8 will be ordered on Monday, but with out further adue here is some pics of him and all of his glory, I love this big guy he is treated as royalty and is very respected. In the two months I have had him he has gotten SO much bigger than when he arrived. and excuse my wifes feet in the background, I also had been playing gta 5 on my pc so thats why my keyboard and controllers were setting in the floor decided to hook it up to the big tv. :)