View Full Version : Baby Snake

04-18-15, 03:20 PM
I went to feed my baby mx blk king snake for the first time today. I gave her a pinky and she went after it but seemed to be struggling and gave up. Thought it might be too big for her. Should I cut the pinky into pieces or is there a better alternative? Thanks guys (new to snakes)

04-20-15, 10:12 AM
Can you get smaller pinkies? Day old ones, perhaps?

There's nothing wrong with cutting them up if you have to. Halve them longwise while still frozen, then thaw. It's a little icky, but eh. I did that for my garter.

04-20-15, 11:31 AM
If your pet store has the mice in clear packages, dig through their pinkies to see if you can find the smallest ones. There's a surprising range of sizes among pinky mice, and the day old pinkies are quite tiny. Failing that, Obsidian's suggestion of cutting your pinkies lengthwise will do the trick.

04-20-15, 11:33 PM
Got the day old pinkies that were a bit smaller and that did the trick!! thanks for the advice!!