View Full Version : reticulated python or red tail boa?

04-10-15, 09:55 AM
I'm seriously interested in both of these species. But I need to use them for photo shoots and I don't know which one will be better I like that the reticulated python gets larger but at the same time I've been told they get attitude with size.either of these species but I end up getting will have an entire bedroom converted to a cage please give me your recommendations and stories and advice thank you for taking your time to read this!

04-10-15, 10:03 AM
Well first off, what experience do you have with giants? Snakes in general? The difference between these snakes is HUGE. Red-tails can get pretty big too, but aren't as smart as a retic, nor do (most) have a feeding response nearly as great. A retic comes with much responsibility and these animals are not to be taken lightly. A full grown (mainland) retic should never be handled alone. If you've never owned even a red-tail boa I would definitely stay away from tics for now.

04-10-15, 10:40 AM
Ive been keeping all different kinds of snakes the past 20 years, pretty much all kinds aside from retics but ive found a tame 9ft one and am very tempted.

04-10-15, 10:53 AM
Ultimately its your choice, but I wouldn't recommend a 9 footer for your first retic. I would start with a hatchling so you can learn the animal better and grow with it.. The food response and intelligence of these guys is not an exaggeration.

04-10-15, 11:33 AM
I've never owned a retic, but most of the ones I've seen would be poor candidates for photo shoots. They're very active and fast moving. They certainly are gorgeous though. I've looked into some of the "dwarfs" myself.

04-10-15, 11:01 PM
I would say a boa constrictor is a much better choice of the two. They are much easier to handle, stay a manageable size (at least compared to retics, when at their largest), are a bit slower-moving, and are more laid-back. I wouldn't say they have more or less of a feeding response, but then again I've only got one retic and one boa constrictor, and I've only fed the retic once.

As far as intelligence, I'm not sure. I can definitely say retics are very aware, very inquisitive snakes! So far, my little girl is willing to climb higher and crawl farther to get to things than any of my other snakes. She responds to her surroundings about the same way my garters do, but she's less spazzy and doesn't try to fly. Eminart is correct, though, she does not stop moving when she's out and will get into anything and everything.

With the retics, you also have to take into consideration, since you live in the US, they are currently banned from interstate travel so you would have to find one in your state, and if you were to ever move out of state and they were still listed on the Lacey Act, you would have to find a home for it or risk becoming a felon. Finding a home for a 15' snake isn't easy, not everyone wants or can handle something that large. I would not get a retic unless you were dead-set on it.

04-11-15, 07:49 AM
Agreed, a boa would be a much better option. Maybe get a dwarf form if you really want to get a retic. If you do decide to go with a retic, you will have to find one in your state and will not be able to take it across state lines, as per the new Lacey Act listing.

David VB
04-11-15, 03:35 PM
If you want a big snake that is 'tame' for shoots, get a nice gentle giant : the Burmese python :) Of those 2, i might go for the Bcc, but it all depends on the animal you get. My Surinam lady has the fastest feeding response of all snakes i have. She still freaks me out every time. But she's very gentle when being handled. As for relics, i don't have personal experience, but i hope that will change tomorrow :p

04-11-15, 07:59 PM
I won't try to convince you one way or another but I will address some of the things said above in relation to my experiences with retics.

They are very active snakes, but they can be used for photo shoots. Depending on what kind of photo shoots you do they can either be a good or a poor candidate. For low light where you'll want a longer exposure they're probably not your best choice. I'm an amateur photographer so if you have any specific questions I would be happy to answer them for you in relation to my experiences.

Retics, like all species, can change disposition with age. If you get a baby they can be a bit feisty but with work and dedication they calm down as they grow. However there is always a chance that they will become foul tempered, it's just a risk you take with animals. A tame 9ft retic will most likely stay tame with continued positive interactions. I would recommend starting with a baby or at least one that is under 4-5 feet in length.

If you go with a room for the snake it is important that you be able to look in and locate the snake before going in and be able to break a feed response to keep yourself safe.

If you decide to go with a retic there are some good breeders in your state. Gavin Bowe is who I would contact. He has some amazing animals.

A burmese python is also an excellent candidate. They get as long as retics and weigh more, are more slow moving and laid back, and have a similarly docile nature.