View Full Version : wondering something can you keep to corn snakes in a 20 gallong long tank?

04-09-15, 02:53 PM
so I saw to super amazing looking snakes at a local pet store here in town.

:) and I am thrilled!

because the chance of me FINALLY getting out of my house now are very very good.
and the one thing I was never allowed to have while I was at my mother's house was pet snakes...and I can finally have some..

so in months time I want to buy some corn snakes...and like I said two of them really caught my eye.

but have not really done the research on what all someone would need to do or if its possible to have two in one tank.
so there is my question....thanks.

04-09-15, 03:08 PM
you sure can provide water and bedding and a hot spot in one end and throw in a mouse every now and then.

04-09-15, 03:10 PM
You dont want to keep two snakes together all the time so two 20's is what you really need are you palnning on breeding them?

Make sure you use only substrate designed for snakes i use aspen and for my babies i use news paper. always provide a hid and water and a a under the tank heater so when they eat they will be able to digust their food properly.

04-09-15, 03:10 PM
Can you keep them together? Sure. Should you keep them together? Probably not. Aside from the fact that snakes are solitary animals and appreciate their own space, corn snakes seem to be high risk for eating each other.


You can keep one in a 20 gal, just make sure its very escape proof. The corn snake will also very likely outgrow a 20 gal so be prepared for that.

04-09-15, 03:53 PM
How many of those pictures started with someone adding food to the mix?

04-09-15, 04:05 PM
How many of those pictures started with someone adding food to the mix?
I was thinking the same thing. Ive seen numerous situations of people keeping multiple corns together much like the communal housing much like garters can be kept. I was just stayn away from this as communal housing can be a touchy subject here.

04-09-15, 05:26 PM
I always say "better safe than sorry", especially with my babies. I never co-hab my snakes, and during breeding season I feed them a nice big meal and then pair them. separate for feeding, then pair again, (repeat until gravid!!)

04-09-15, 05:50 PM
Where I work, they keep baby corns together and have seen many time them cannibalizing each other. Also watched two baby corns eat smooth green snakes. Adults seem to loose that desire to eat each other.

04-09-15, 09:25 PM
so I guess i could pick up the two I want....but keeping them in seperate tanks would be a much better idea to do.... which I am more then ok with doing....