View Full Version : Velvet Geckos

02-18-03, 10:05 AM
Are australian velvet geckos really that rare in the hobby? Does anyone here own them or breed them? HOw long do they live? I'm thinking of buying a pair that I saw.


02-19-03, 11:57 PM
Hi Lizzy,

If you're talking about Oedura monilis, then I have a young male which I got from Allan Young at www.gotgeckos.com. I have him in a 10 gal aquarium with branches etc. He loves crickets and apricot baby food and is easy to take care of. I have an undertank heater and a basking light for him. Allan probably will have more this season, I don't think he has had too much difficulty breeding them, but I'm not positive (I'm hoping to get a female off of him this year, although he doesn't know that yet! lol!).

Hope this helps,


02-21-03, 11:02 AM
i have velvet geckos i think what makes them rare is its relly hard to get the eggs to hatch i have a trio of them and have had 4 clutches of there eggs so far and havent been able to get any to hatch do u have them?