View Full Version : Scale rot?

04-01-15, 11:38 AM
2 weeks ago, my family and I went on a 1 week vacation. I had the neighbor kid watching the geckos for me. He is not the most responsible person in the world, but he is willing, and it the best I can do.
Any way last week I got back, picked up the lizards, and noticed weird white flaking on both of their heads.
It was not there before I left.
I figured it could have been just a partial bad shed or something die to my not being there to care for them properly.

It has not gone away.
Both of them have it, and I know that at least the big yellow female has shed since I have been home.

I have never had to deal with scale rot, and don't even know if crested's can get it, but I don't know what this is. If it is, how do you treat it?
Also is it possible for them to get it with in a week, because I honestly have never seen this before I got home.

04-01-15, 03:26 PM
Its hard to really see (they are small to start with) but that does not look like scale rot.

Is there redness, swelling or any scale lifting at all?

It kind of looks like bad shed with minerals (see: water softener) stuck under.

Remember their environment and care has been very different while you where away.

Keep an eye on them, and a good eye on the humidity.

Could you provide info on what you see up close? (that is not evident in the pics)

04-02-15, 01:37 PM
looks to me like retained shed or dry skin hard to tell from the pics.