View Full Version : Mite help

03-29-15, 07:19 PM
My Sunglow Red Tail has had mites for about 2 weeks now. I have wiped her down with Reptile spray that is supposed to get in all of the hiding places on her skin. I even have replaced all of the substrate and wiped everything down twice with Reptile Spray and also Provent a mite. How can they still be present? I have never had this problem with any snakes before. None of my others are having this problem, (knock on wood). Has anybody got a remedy. Usually, Provent a mite kills everything on contact and there are no problems. Could it be out of date since it's probably a yea old? Can't find a date on the can.

03-29-15, 07:53 PM
I did find this link:

Getting rid of reptile mites (http://www.anapsid.org/mites.html)

EL Ziggy
03-29-15, 10:00 PM
Sorry to hear that Big T. I don't have any experience with treating mites bud. I heard PAM was the best solution. Good luck bro.

03-30-15, 07:12 AM
I would repeat treatment after 10 days, twice. To make sure any left over eggs that hatch and mites that were hidden well enough die as well. They can also live outside the terrarium for a while, if you don't clean that they might keep coming back. I never worked with 'mite-off' so i can't help you there.

I have worked with Loxazol/Nix, how i do that is described in this topic.

The 'If it turns out the animal indeed has mites' part contains how i use it.

03-30-15, 07:13 AM
Mites lay eggs and the Permethrin does not kill them all.

You need to treat for 3 weeks absolute min.

Remember that permethrin (the stuff that kills mites, live and flees) is a carcinogenic poison so if you treat her cage >> take the water bowl out for min 30 minutes (safer, 90 minutes)

Mites can't swim so you can have someone keep her in the bath tub while you clean and treat the cage. (Drown those little red b*stards!!)

If you use a Nix bath (permethrin solution for head lice). Put her in clean water first so she drinks her fill before you put her in the Nix. I know a couple of guys that Nix 100% of incoming animals before quarantine. Works like a charm but you need to take care!

Take as much as possable out of the enclosure until she is mite free for 5 weeks. No wood, no Aspen... Just newspaper, plastic hides and a bowl.

Understanding Mites, and thier life cycle:
Reptile Mites - Karingal Vet Hospital (http://www.karingalvet.com.au/Pet-Care/Reptiles-and-Amphibians/Reptile-Mites.asp)

Have a read here:

(Make sure you let the newspaper dry before you put the water dish in with it)

It will be ok, you just need to work on it for a few weeks.

Hope that helps,

03-30-15, 07:17 AM
Remember that permethrin (the stuff that kills mites, live and flees) is a carcinogenic poison so if you treat her cage >> take the water bowl out for min 30 minutes (safer, 90 minutes)

2 days minimum, permethrin is active for a long time and can cause a lot of neurological damage when ingested. I'd stick to the safe side.. A snake can deal with no water for 2 days easy, could always give them a bath to hydrate beforehand if you're worried!

03-30-15, 07:27 AM
2 days minimum, permethrin is active for a long time and can cause a lot of neurological damage when ingested. I'd stick to the safe side.. A snake can deal with no water for 2 days easy, could always give them a bath to hydrate beforehand if you're worried!

Yes, Safer is better...!

Sure, let's call it 2 days. We always left it out until the next day and I always thought that was overkill. (Video guides from the biggest breeders call for 30-60 min)

A few yrs ago I posted a vid of an animal with Nero damage from permethrin. Sad. Sadder still that it takes time for the problems to present and it looks like an unrelated problem / heart break.

Your point is perfect in that the snake doesn't need water for 2 (even three) days. Very good point. Thx, cheers. :)

03-30-15, 02:02 PM
I have used nix to treat mites on my corn snakes you mix one bottle of nix with a 2L bottle of distilled water. mix well then spray on the snakes with a squirt bottle. you can also use this in the cage as well. It works great. spray everyday for about a week. this should remove your mite problem. you can also spray the surrounding area where the cage is.

03-30-15, 02:24 PM
I treat on day 1, day 15, and day 30. I also use a water/NIX mix to mist the cage after a complete clean before placing the snake back in.