View Full Version : Custom Build Bed Cage

03-24-15, 10:05 PM
This is a custom build Ive been working on and almost finish with ... Cage is 7x 5 x 2 size of a queen mattress which is on top.... Cage frame is 1" steel square bar wrapped in melamine.. All joints have weather stripping and sealed with another layer of silicone. . 4 air vents total *1 is inlet air 1 is outlet air using tempature sensing pc fans and a 4 pc fan controller... Fan controller came with 4 tempature probes with built in alarms that notify me of drop in temp or equiptment failure also digital touch screen to control fan rmps / speed and alarm sensors. .. This has dual pane glass wrapped all the way around*.. 2 baby pig heats pads 4 heat ceramic heat lamps fixtures and( 4 )24" full spectrum light's. ... This can be one big cage... 2 cages or if I choose put my other two glass panes in and divide into 4 individual cages..... I went a little over board and added a built in soda coasters on my touch screen panel as well as usb phone charger. .... I use a belkin conserve surge protector which came with remote control to turn on heat pads, lights and heat emitters on with a remote control (:

This cage is only used to house new memebers of my family (cbb hatchlings) or anything I want to monitor frequently or spend allot of time with during the first few months b4 moving to my bigger garage cages
built with even more care....

03-24-15, 10:19 PM
How can I remove photo that needs to be rotated

03-24-15, 11:19 PM
Next additions will be Zoo med mist system....4 custom substrate trays...6 display case locks that hopefully work with one key (: ...and some plant life

03-25-15, 12:06 AM
How can I remove photo that needs to be rotated

There you go. You can only edit a post for so long, us mods have the power indefinitely.

03-25-15, 12:06 AM
Also, very cool cages.

03-25-15, 12:18 AM
Thanks Millertime..I had picture frames made out of 2" crown molding to cover the steel frame and glass tracks.. I attached 2" velcro to the crown molding so the frames are removable/ paintable panels all the way around (:... Every single thing on these cages including melamine sheets were made to be replaceable panels

03-25-15, 12:59 AM
Cool idea...but won't getting on the floor for cleaning and handling, ect be a bit annoying? Also...seems tall for a bed...take a running leap?

Love the look, just wondering about practicality. =)

03-25-15, 01:12 AM
The floor boards of each cage is removable simply lift up , pull out , water down/ disinfect and wait to dry before reinstalling.... Im a little over 6 feet tall and body build so,I dont have to make any additional effort to get on my bed than you.....I have a maid who cleans my whole house every 2 week she charges me 20.00 extra to clean the glass on cages for me so no extra effort there as well....Im young and active so I have no trouble with everyday life activities. ... Whats convenient for one man may not be for the next. .. (:

03-25-15, 01:42 AM
Lol fair enough. So long as it works for you!

03-25-15, 03:58 PM
Center control unit came today in the mail cracked in half... This is a touch 2000 pc fan controller with 4 temp sensors and built in alarms... I installed 4 pc fans that I use for inlet and outlet air... This is initially used to control personal computer temp but I rigged it to work for my application with the proper wire harness.. I can set temps for fans to come off or on as well as control fan speed.... The fans have built leds that glow red or whatever color you choose. Now off to have new plexi glass cut..

03-25-15, 04:22 PM
additional pic

03-25-15, 04:26 PM
What will you be putting in the enclosures?

03-25-15, 05:02 PM
Nothing permanently. ... Any new cbb I get rather it be monitors or snakes... Its more or less a nursery for new baby's. .. I really considering going venomous all locks came in mail today so Im kind of open

03-25-15, 07:50 PM
talk about not wasting any space, you're even sleeping over snakes lol

I have to wonder what's going to happen if you bring a lady back to your place though.

03-25-15, 08:09 PM
Lets just say I have had several wemen over so far and the bed held up just fine... I had to test the bed to its limits so I dont end up in a epic fail with a crushed bed... shattered glass and smashed reptiles. ..So this bed is confirmed very safe/stable and can handle over 400lbs on it (:... no the lady wasnt 400lbs I bodybuild and weight about 275-300 so add a 150lb real woman and it all worked out ... (:

03-25-15, 10:13 PM
I think he meant the woman may freak out lol

03-25-15, 11:36 PM
ohh my bad... The bed/frame being able to hold 400+ lbs was very important to me anyway.. I dont buy cheap reptiles so the last thing would want is the bed to collapse and kill a 3-5000.00 dollar retic or sumthing... So I definitely tested the bed for weaknesses and so far Its has held up...All the joints of the steel 1" square bar were cut at a angle then welded so this bed will hold up for awhile or until I purchase a cali king and build a bigger bed (:

03-27-15, 01:41 PM
Had to click on this thread because the title didn't really make sense.

Its exactly what you said it is. (very cool)

The control module you have there (very cool) instantly made me think of the control panels they fly the ship with on Star Trek. Cant wait to see what goes inside.