View Full Version : Artemis - Russian Rat Snake

03-13-15, 05:47 AM
here I will post new pics and updates... some of you may know Artemis from >this< (http://www.ssnakess.com/forums/general-colubrid-forum/105502-my-russian-rat-snake-s-pics.html) thread, unfortunately all pics were removed because of problems with image hosting, so sometimes I will add here some old pics too :)

Today I was able to take some photos... they are not the best, but shows how much s/he grown.

Artemis at 6 months old (shortly after I get him/her)



And now, nearly 2 years old :)



EL Ziggy
03-13-15, 10:49 AM
Very nice Sylphie.

03-13-15, 10:58 AM
Thank you!
It's really nice to see how much they can grow :D

03-13-15, 01:59 PM
Pretty snake. I really like the adult colors/pattern.

03-13-15, 02:16 PM
eminart, s/he should develop more yellow on rings with time :) But I personally prefer their colors as an hatchling/juvie, that brown&cream pattern was really nice.

03-14-15, 03:05 PM
I love how their adult coloration is similar to mangrove snakes, but without the venom or attitude, and with much simpler care requirements. I wish I could have one!

03-14-15, 03:15 PM
Haha, yeah, mangroves are great, but their attitude + venom are too much for me :D

And russians are rather "friendly" snakes, calm, inquisitive, don't mind handling... Artemis is just an exception to that rule. Although with age s/he slowly calms down so maybe s/he will develop more typical attitude.

03-15-15, 10:31 AM
Some of the best pics I have, from day one to "start of the yellow&black phase" : )









03-15-15, 10:33 AM
And here we go, darkening with every shed!








03-15-15, 08:22 PM
Very nice transition! Can't wait to see him become even more amazing! I love to see such drastic changes in colouration as animals grow.

03-16-15, 04:18 AM
Yeah, I'm really curious how big s/he will be, and how much yellow s/he'll develop on rings :D

03-17-15, 12:56 PM
A few months ago we bought a new camera, and today I finally start to learning how to use it =D

Feeding time! It was the first time when s/he get two mouse at once, and at first it was "what? two? how can i choose which one should i eat?".









03-17-15, 02:54 PM
I love how he tasted both of them before deciding which one to eat first

03-17-15, 03:40 PM
Yeah, because that second could be better :D

EL Ziggy
03-17-15, 07:41 PM
Beautiful snake and what looks like a nice enclosure too Sylphie. :)

04-07-15, 11:09 AM
Chilling :D




I must finally take her/him to reptile vet to determine the sex... In a few days are my birthday and I'm currently looking for an melanistic Russian, and it would be cool to have a pair and breed them in future :D There is a few people in my country that have some melanistic so there are some chances! Hope that Artemis is female, males are easier to find (and cheaper, haha!).

04-07-15, 11:56 AM
Is s/he breeding age now, or are you looking into the future? I'd love to see some melanistic russians on here :P Are they born all black or do they change with age like the normal phase does?

04-07-15, 12:21 PM
I didn't even know that there WERE melanistic Russians until recently. Now I'm like, well crap, I NEED one. XD

04-07-15, 12:23 PM
prairiepanda, no s/he is only 2 years, females are ready at 4-5 years, but I want to know now, so I'll be able to find her (or him) a nice partner :)
And I'm not sure, I know that as an juvie (around 1 year old) they are all black (normal phase in that age is still brown), but I never saw an melanistic hatchling...

04-07-15, 12:24 PM
Obsidian Dragon, there is also an anerythystic version, but they are really expensive :D I want one anery in future too...

04-09-15, 10:46 AM
Oh yes, I've seen anery too. I'm just not sure there's any for me to sell my first born for around here, haha.

Pictures! Anery (http://forkedtonguekisses.tumblr.com/post/115856997682/mercury-russian-rat-snake-anery-elaphe) and melanistic (http://forkedtonguekisses.tumblr.com/post/115857490562/astronaut-russian-rat-snake-melanistic).

Albert Clark
04-09-15, 11:22 AM
Awesome rat snake! Thanks for sharing. The pattern on h/her body reminded me of the chain kingsnake. :blink:

04-14-15, 05:19 AM
Someone asked about melanistic as an hacthling: now i know that they born with white/grey rings, and with age they darken to all black :)

04-14-15, 07:49 PM
Do they hiss really loud?? I remember going to a snake breeders house and hearing a Russian sounding like a radiator over blowing steam....
Who has em?

04-15-15, 01:25 AM
KingMilk, huh, Artemis never hissed... so I don't really know, she is rather "fly and hide" when disturbed.

04-15-15, 10:56 AM
KingMilk, huh, Artemis never hissed... so I don't really know, she is rather "fly and hide" when disturbed.

Yea, must have been another Russian species...

04-16-15, 06:30 AM
Kink Milk, maybe it was Korean Rat (elaphe anomala, formerly it was subspecies of Russians)? They are more shy and nippy than Russian Rat's, so hissing will be really likely to happen :)

Artemis shed two days ago, we contacted one of the breeders in my town, and we're going to him and try probing :D Hope that s/he turns out female!

04-16-15, 07:19 PM
Kink Milk, maybe it was Korean Rat (elaphe anomala, formerly it was subspecies of Russians)? They are more shy and nippy than Russian Rat's, so hissing will be really likely to happen :)

Artemis shed two days ago, we contacted one of the breeders in my town, and we're going to him and try probing :D Hope that s/he turns out female!

You're probably right. I didn't ask the breeder (in depth) questions about it. That sucker was loud as hell, I just wanted to by my snakes n leave... Lol

04-23-15, 05:27 AM
Okay, It's officially a SHE! I'm so happy :D And she was really nice and calm during the trip and probing.
Some pics from today :D







04-24-15, 10:17 AM
That's great news! And she's looking gorgeous! I know she's not breeding age yet, but do you have any idea when you'll be getting a male for her? I'd love to see this forum flooded with more Russian rats!

04-24-15, 10:59 AM
prairiepanda, I was planning on getting black hatchling this summer, but I don't know if I'll have enough space. She'll be ready to breeding at around 4 years old so I still have the time to arrange everything (it's lucky that males can be a little younger).

And one picture of the escaping master - my boyfriend corn snake:

04-24-15, 12:15 PM
Corns are so cute! He's looking great considering how long he had been missing!

04-24-15, 12:18 PM
Yeah, and he is really perfect snake, never hiss or trying to hide when picked up, really inquisitive and calm, you can do antyhing to him and he will be okay with this... just totally opossite to Artemis :D

06-09-15, 09:21 AM
Ha, I found a pics from a day ONE! That's Artemis the day she arrive to us. Little worm :D



Unfortunately I don't have any new pics, she recently has a phase "Eat, go to the hide and stay there for 2 weeks until next feeding". She starts to looking a little too chunky so I'll propably change the feeding schedule a little.

On a better note, she starts to calming more... and to prove it she bite my boyfriend while the last feeding, haha! :D But it was our fault, because I always just put the mices for her on the ground, and my bf tried to hand feed her... and she just went totally crazy and grab his hand.

06-10-15, 07:59 AM
Aw, she was so tiny!! Baby rat snakes are too cute. Hopefully Artemis will come out sometime so we can see fresh pics! Are her yellows still getting brighter, or has she finished her colour change?

06-10-15, 08:14 AM
You know, maybe no lighter, but gaining more contrast, although it slows down. I think that she soon will be in her final "dress". Growth rate slows too, maybe that's why she seems to be more "fat". On the other hand I was having talk about it with some breeders, and it's normal, she's still rather small compared to others 2yo females.

And yeah, I hope that she ends her "hermit" phase soon :D

06-23-15, 01:30 PM
Hi all,
here is thread for my second Russian Rat Snake. The first one, normal female Artemis is here ->http://www.ssnakess.com/forums/general-colubrid-forum/108674-artemis-russian-rat-snake.html#post955238

Hour ago I received that cute little black creature. 1,5 year old melanistic Russian Rat, I hope that he'll be male. It was really good deal, they are rather rare, and I paid only 50$. I'm sooo happy!

He's a sweet, curious one, no stress after the journey. He's also bigger than my 2 yo female, and that's cool too. Here are some pics (not the best but I wanted to give him a rest in his new enclosure.




As you see there are still some white markings, hatchlings are black with white bands, and as they grow the white is fading.


And I hope that it will not fade... under his head he has a really cute white tie... It's blurred in this pic, I'll try to take better pic after a few days.


Have a good day/night!

06-23-15, 01:46 PM
Very nice.

06-23-15, 02:23 PM
The name suits him well! Any pics of his enclosure?

EL Ziggy
06-23-15, 02:41 PM
Beautiful new addition Sylphie!

06-23-15, 03:13 PM
prairiepanda, at this moment it's just sterile glass tank with water bowl, two hides, and paper towels :D We'll soon build viv rack (you know, shelves with vivariums for each of our snakes).

El-Ziggy, Mikoh4792 thank you! :)

06-23-15, 03:30 PM
Aaaaaah! I'm so jealous. Beautiful snake, Sylphie.

06-24-15, 12:37 AM
Sweet all around, beautiful snake for a great price and a good size. What size/age do they reach maturity? My 2 pairs of 18 month old DRMB's are easy to sex by sight now, the males are more slender, and they still have years to grow before they mature.

06-24-15, 01:22 AM
Obsidian_Dragon, if the US would be closer I'll be hapy to find and send you one!

toddnbecka, around 2-3 years old, but there are no visible differences between females and males unfortunately. They vary in size as adult like corns, some are just 4,6ft, when others are 6ft... It all depends on genes and parents lenghts. I'll gues that Orion's parents were bigger than Artemis, as he is really bigger and bulkier than she (and 6 months younger).

06-24-15, 10:41 AM
Obsidian_Dragon, if the US would be closer I'll be hapy to find and send you one!

toddnbecka, around 2-3 years old, but there are no visible differences between females and males unfortunately. They vary in size as adult like corns, some are just 4,6ft, when others are 6ft... It all depends on genes and parents lenghts. I'll gues that Orion's parents were bigger than Artemis, as he is really bigger and bulkier than she (and 6 months younger).

The size difference right now could also have to do with their feeding regimen. If they feed larger prey, or feed more often than you, then their babies will grow faster. The two could end up being the same size as adults; the rate of growth isn't always an indicator of how large the snake will become.

06-24-15, 11:07 AM
prairiepanda, that's true too :) The owner said that he was feeding him 2 mouses every two weeks, so the same amount as I feed mine... but still that mouses might be bigger or something.

I contacted the shop where I probed Artemis... hope that I'll be able to determine Orion sex soon!

06-26-15, 11:58 AM
Huh, anyone know how to contact one of the Moderators? :D I would love to join this thread to the one of Artemis, and keep it all in one... and of course I will need to delete the first line in this thread, as it will be no longer necessary :)

06-29-15, 11:24 AM
Threads merged at Sylphie's request.

07-02-15, 09:54 AM
Lesson of the day - don't let the mouse boil too much...

I was hand feeding Orion for the first time (you know, I'm planning to keep him and Arty in one big viv, so they must be okay with eating on my hands and not in the viv). He went straight for it, no stress at all... but the mouse was too delicate, and it rip in two... blood and guts everywhere, that's really not a funny thing! (especially the smell, uhh)

Any suggestions on how to not thaw too much? :D One learns his whole life...

EL Ziggy
07-02-15, 10:27 AM
Lesson of the day - don't let the mouse boil too much...

I was hand feeding Orion for the first time (you know, I'm planning to keep him and Arty in one big viv, so they must be okay with eating on my hands and not in the viv). He went straight for it, no stress at all... but the mouse was too delicate, and it rip in two... blood and guts everywhere, that's really not a funny thing! (especially the smell, uhh)

Any suggestions on how to not thaw too much? :D One learns his whole life...
I thaw the feeders in cool or warm but not hot water. Then I super heat them with a hair dryer to 95-100 degrees before serving.

07-02-15, 10:40 AM
I thaw the feeders in cool or warm but not hot water. Then I super heat them with a hair dryer to 95-100 degrees before serving.

Uh, at first I was like "what, 100 degrees?!", then I remembered that you're using Fahrenheit, not Celcius, haha :D Thank you for advice!

07-04-15, 10:44 PM
I've hand fed 'Tasha a time or two, but she likes to try gently nom my fingers instead. Even if I use tongs, she'll try to climb up them to my fingers. ...no, silly snake...

07-05-15, 03:00 AM
I've hand fed 'Tasha a time or two, but she likes to try gently nom my fingers instead. Even if I use tongs, she'll try to climb up them to my fingers. ...no, silly snake...

You know, Artemis is recently in her "hunting all the time" mode. Yesterday I tried to change the water bowl, and she strikes at me... unfortunately for her I can sense what she's planning pretty good, and she doesn't hit me. But I must tell you that from all our snakes I don't trust Arty (although I have her the longest time). She's just soo "always hunting" that you must watch her closely.
Still she's my most beloved snake, haha!

Soon (I think that circa 14 July) I'll introduce Orion to Artemis, and ofc I'll try to take some pics!

07-12-15, 03:48 AM
Warning: pics heavy! :D

Okay, so we introduce Orion to Artemis, and it went suprisingly well. Russian Rats are one of the species that are really fine with co-habiting even in larger groups (some breeders are having 3-4 of them in one tank), but Artemis is rather more nervous than typical Russians, so I was slightly worried.

Orion is really calm and inquisitive boy, he shows no fear or distress when I pick him up. But he's really strong and stubborn sometimes, so we still must learn how to handle him :D

Artemis is totally okay with him being in her cage (which we'll soon be rebuild and add a lot of more space). They are often in the same hide watching if there maybe we'll be mices, but usually each finds his own space. Ofc she's a little devil as always and trying to grab my hands... HANDS ARE MICES TOO STUPID HUMAN, GIVE IT TO ME.

And here we go with pics, not the best but they are really active!





07-12-15, 03:51 AM


And yah, it's me, haha!





And here video of Orion shedding, we'll go to the pet store in next week and probe him... fingers crossed for a boy! (but female will be cool too).


07-13-15, 01:29 AM
Very nice, the pics where you're holding them show off her yellow markings very well. Orion looks just a bit larger in the head, or is that just the camera perpective? They both look similar in size to our sub-adult DRMB's. the largest of them are approaching 2 meters now. Should be breeding size next year, they're fed 2 large hopper or weaned mice each week. Although they could take larger adult mice they seem to prefer the smaller ones. The Everglades rat will take as 2-3 mice that size every 4-5 days, I'm starting to call her the skinny orange pig.
Fingers crossed Orion is a male, they look like great breeding stock.

07-13-15, 02:13 AM
toddnbecka, yeah, Orion is half year younger, but already bigger than Artemis. They are rather the same length, but he's bulkier and has a bigger head. He easily ate 2 adult mices yesterday (I'm feeding them every 2 weeks), while Artemis is still having more "problems" with eating them (smaller head, so she must contrive).

And yeah, I would love to breed them <3 But you know, if Orion is a female, then I'll only find a melanistic male, and then I'll get melanistic babies from one pairing and normal het. melanistic from the other one. Either way it will be cool!

07-13-15, 01:50 PM
Wow, the natural lighting really brings out the yellow on Artemis! They're both so gorgeous. Nice to see they get along well. When will you be able to get Orion sexed?

07-13-15, 02:01 PM
Wow, the natural lighting really brings out the yellow on Artemis! They're both so gorgeous. Nice to see they get along well. When will you be able to get Orion sexed?

Both her parents were a nice bright yellow too, so I'm curious if she'll manage to get even more contrast. And I think that we'll know his sex around the end of this week if everything will be allright :D

And I must tell you, that after shedding there are still visible white bands on Orion... and now I know that I'll find an anerythistic one for sure! I'll try to take a good pic soon.

EL Ziggy
07-13-15, 06:29 PM
Very nice Sylphie. It's great that you can cohabitate them. You might just end up with a few more. ;)

07-14-15, 04:04 AM
Very nice Sylphie. It's great that you can cohabitate them. You might just end up with a few more. ;)

Haha, anery female for sure (if I find someone who is having them... for now I know only about AC Snakes from UK)! And if Orion is female then melanistic male... But then I'll be build a really large enclosure, so they can get the space they need and don't feel stressed about the fact that "there are other snakes everywhere!".

07-22-15, 06:12 AM



After few weeks when Artemis was (and still is) "hunting everything that moves except Orion" I started to feel really uncomfortable aroung her. It was okay, when my boyfriend was picking her, and then giving her to me to handle.. but doing anything in their viv was just a pain and stress. Then I realized that uh, in the worst case she'll bite me, and she's not that big to really hurt me. Now I'm picking her and handling every day to overcome my really weird case of "i started to be afraid of snake that I'm having since it was little hatchling". And it's going really good! She's her usual self while handling, having moments of total panick and "let me go, let me go!" and after a moment calming down and leisurely trying to explore.

Orion is still unsexed, unfortunately the person that is probing them for me is on a holiday, so I must wait 2 weeks :D But he's great, in some ways he's totally opposite to Arty. Never panicking, calm, and really curious, always wants to be picked and handled. And he's really stubborn too, when he sees something that is interesting then he starts to pull really hard to get where he want to be... and he's really strong, so it's sometimes hard to hold him in place, haha!
Unfortunately I don't have any new pics of him, he's too big and curious to let me take pictures and hold him at the same moment. And when my boyfriend is handling him then alll pics are blurry... I must just find a way to get it right!

07-23-15, 12:08 AM
It takes some practice to get accustomed to handling twitchy snakes, lol. Even if it's just a wee baby that can't break the skin I instinctively pull back when they strike if I'm not prepared for it. My little male thayeri prefers to stay burrowed in the aspen, and when I stir it around to find him for feeding he tends to bite me and run. Then I have to chase him around with the pinkie for a minute to get his attention focused on the food. If he's sitting out in the open there's no problem picking him up, and he actually handles just fine. Fortunately, the little female has never shown the same attitude...

07-23-15, 02:33 AM
Haha, it's really good to know that I'm not the only person who is "afraid" of being bitten. I know that it'll don't hurt me, but still it's instinct to be afraid :D

08-19-15, 07:29 AM
We finally were able to go to our pet store and probe Orion... IT'S A HE! I'm sooo happy about it! :D

And some pics, unfortunately he's soo active and strong that I still have problems to take good pic of him.





He's a typical Russian, curious, active and always hungry! But he nicely is taking his feed on my hands (because Artemis is eating in their viv), never tried to bite me even while feeding.

AND after 2 years of having snakes today I heared their hiss for a first time! Orion was soo angry about being put in a travel bag that he started hissing on us, haha :D

08-20-15, 12:32 AM
We finally were able to go to our pet store and probe Orion... IT'S A HE! I'm sooo happy about it! :D
AND after 2 years of having snakes today I heared their hiss for a first time! Orion was soo angry about being put in a travel bag that he started hissing on us, haha :D

I bet he wasn't happy about the probe either. :no: I'd hiss about that myself...
Great news though, now you know you have a pair for breeding when they're ready.

08-20-15, 02:22 AM
I bet he wasn't happy about the probe either. :no: I'd hiss about that myself...
Great news though, now you know you have a pair for breeding when they're ready.

Haha, surprisingly he was really calm while probing, Artemis was a lot more nervous and wriggling. He is just soo stubborn about "I'll go where I want, and you human will not stop me!" that sometimes I hear a really soft "puffs" when he's frustrated with us.

And yeah, we're really happy and lucky having a pair while both were bought as unsexed <3 2-3 years and we'll try to breed them fot the first time (although from what I heard females start to breed really good after 5 years old, earlier they are trying but no eggs/all are slugs).

08-20-15, 06:07 PM
He's stunning! Every time I see your Russians I get soooo jealous! I'm looking forward to seeing their beautiful babies down the road.

08-21-15, 01:44 AM
He's stunning! Every time I see your Russians I get soooo jealous! I'm looking forward to seeing their beautiful babies down the road.

Thank you! I'm the same with your pines, hahaha :D

Today we plan to rebuild their cage and add one more shelf to it, so I'll post some pics soon. And believe me, they will be super happy about it, haha! Especially about bigger water pool as both of them loves to swim.

08-24-15, 12:53 AM
Yeah, it's 90% done! We still must add ligth for the bottom part as there is rather dark, but the walls and plants are done.

It is all old cabinet with 3 shelf, at first we processed the middle, biggest part, now we added the bottom. They will also get the smallest top one as a big laying area with really little light, just a hide.

As a background we use expanded foam, then we paint it with acrylic based spray paints (totally safe for fish tanks and reptiles too). Then just added some pothos and one small hoya. At the bottom is a big water pool from an old fish tank for betta fish, but it's hard to see on pics as there is really dark.

So, that's it! And I'm really sorry about poor quality of some of this, as I mention the light is not finished and it's hard to get a good pic of some parts.

At first it was like this:

Now it's like this:


Top part now:

And bottom part:




08-24-15, 12:56 AM
Their fav hide, and yes, they can fit both in it.

And bonus, Artemis eating her mices:



08-24-15, 01:03 AM
Totally changing topic:

You know that feeling when you are like "nah, I don't want snakes anymore, I have enough of them as it is", and then there is a new ad on your local forum... And the man is selling his 7 years old female Russian with her tank for only 27$? And your boyfriend after you tell him this is like "okay, we'll get her!"?

I'm a Russian addict for sure, 2 new in a really short time... Both in really good prices too, haha!

So, be ready for a new update with pics of our new girl soon, as we're waiting for a transport for her (she's from anther part of our country, so we're waiting for one of our friends to get her as he rides nearby).

08-24-15, 09:43 AM
Ugh, I'm so jealous. Haha.

08-24-15, 11:48 AM
And here she is. She's sooo vocal, that I start to rethought my "i'm so sad, my snakes never hiss and I would like to hear it", haha! We still need to find a nice name for her... any ideas? :D




EL Ziggy
08-24-15, 02:46 PM
Beautiful new addition Sylphie. Congrats!

08-25-15, 12:42 AM
I know that feeling well now, the last little carpet python filled my collection. I'm actually considering selling one or two of the male DRMB's since I don't need them all for breeding stock, but I'm not worried about keeping them either.
I just saw an ad for a free boa, only about a 2 hour drive, and didn't even reply to it. However, I would consider making an exception for a russian rat if I ran across such a sweet deal. Then I'd have to get another one... :D
Very pretty new girl, she'll probably quiet down a bit after she settles in.

08-25-15, 02:47 AM
Obsidian Dragon, hahaha, thank you... I think :D

El Ziggy, thank you too, she's a totally new level for me considering her size, as all my other snakes are smaller :)

toddnbecka, I can't think of selling any of my snakes, they all are lovely and totally different... but if I end with 20 of them then maybe I'll start think of exchanges too. And definitely go for a Russians! :D

08-26-15, 01:00 PM
Russian rat snake are the best snakes out there :D

08-26-15, 01:16 PM
Russian rat snake are the best snakes out there :D

Haha, sure! But corns are my second fav, less energetic than Russians but still very lovely :D

I really like a lot of other colubrids too, but they are too big for me, so I'll stick to Russians and corns... and maybe one female hognose in future too! Persians rats are great too, but unreachable in my country.

10-01-15, 01:26 PM
Little video of feeding Artemis :D She's super quick and really agressive feeder... Then she will strike on the glass for more.


Orion in the same time was calmly taking his mices on my hands... :D

11-17-15, 09:11 AM
Because the White, our blizzard corn needs to live in tub, and Redhead decided to destroy all the plants from this tank: http://www.ssnakess.com/forums/enclosure-reptile-room-showcase/110584-building-new-enclosure.html

we decided that the corns will go to the smaller tanks, and here will live Callisto. All the plants except pothos died, so I will not post pics of the whole tank yet, we'll wait until the pothos will grow bigger, but here are a few close-ups.




And if you want a snake that is active all day, every day, Russian Rats are perfect for you! Our corns prefer to hide most of the day, and we rarely see them, but russians are soo active and curious that they are always moving around.


11-17-15, 01:35 PM
With Callisto in there, that tank doesn't need plants to look pretty! Your Russians can make any setup look great; they're just so gorgeous! Makes me sad that I can't have any

11-17-15, 02:23 PM
You know, we should arrange the shipping to you when we'll have first babies :D And I still need to find anerythistic one...

And as much as I like our corns, Russians are waay more interesting and it's nice to just watch them move in their tanks.

11-17-15, 03:43 PM
Oh don't get me wrong; Russian rats are available to me, they just aren't legal. I prefer to play it safe and maybe one day move to a province where I'll be allowed to own one :)

11-17-15, 04:00 PM
Oh, I understand then :( Hope you'll be able to get one someday!

11-17-15, 04:09 PM
Oh don't get me wrong; Russian rats are available to me, they just aren't legal. I prefer to play it safe and maybe one day move to a province where I'll be allowed to own one :)

Thats so strange. I dont understand why they would be restricted there. theyre not venomous, not even rear fanged. Where you are theres no chance of them becoming an envasive species there as they would never survive a winter. I just dont get these laws sometimes.

11-17-15, 07:37 PM
I think it might be because they can hybridize with native Elaphe species, and also because it can be difficult to distinguish them from some native species, especially as babies. Still silly, though. There's quite a few species on the list that just seem to be there because they're similar to native species.

11-18-15, 04:01 AM
I think it might be because they can hybridize with native Elaphe species, and also because it can be difficult to distinguish them from some native species, especially as babies. Still silly, though. There's quite a few species on the list that just seem to be there because they're similar to native species.

That's... weird. We're having some restrictions too, all boas and pythons must have confirmation of origin CB, and then we must register them as ours, but really restricted are only hots, you can't have one without permission and to have that permission you must meet really hard conditions.

11-18-15, 12:08 PM
I think it might be because they can hybridize with native Elaphe species, and also because it can be difficult to distinguish them from some native species, especially as babies. Still silly, though. There's quite a few species on the list that just seem to be there because they're similar to native species.

What province are you in? Is that a provincial restriction or a regional restriction?

11-18-15, 01:04 PM
What province are you in? Is that a provincial restriction or a regional restriction?

That's the Alberta Wildlife Regulation. I'm currently still living in BC but will be moving back to Alberta in the near future so I've been adhering to the Alberta restrictions to ensure all my pets will be coming with me.

11-18-15, 06:04 PM
Its a shame thats province wide there.

11-29-15, 09:52 AM
I still don't have good pics of Orion... but my sister was able to get these two with her phone. Little blurry, but you can see his white "tie" under his head and his thin white lips :D I'll try to get some fresh pics of him and Arty soon.



11-29-15, 11:38 AM
Oh wow, a melanistic Russian??? It took me a while to realize it isn't a Mexican Black Kingsnake. xD Nice snakes! I wish Russian are available more often here. We only got the uglier counterpart of it, the Korean Ratsnake...

11-29-15, 11:49 AM
Haha it's hard to find Korean here :D I like the look of some of the amelanistic Koreans, very nice.

And yeah, I still need to find at least one anerythistic Russian to have one of all the "morphs"! And I would gladly buy melanistic female as the gene is recessive... we'll see.

EL Ziggy
11-29-15, 09:06 PM
O is looking great Sylphie. There are so many awesome snakes out there. I wish I had unlimited space and funds to keep a lot more.

11-30-15, 03:25 AM
O is looking great Sylphie. There are so many awesome snakes out there. I wish I had unlimited space and funds to keep a lot more.

I think we all wish for something like that :D

01-06-16, 05:07 AM
Nothing new on the Russian front, we're waiting for spring to try breeding, so they are eating, resting, shedding and gaining more weight for spring :D Someone on fb group asked for a comprasion pic of Arty, so I though I'll post it here too. It still amazes me how much she changed! And one pic of the best necklace for mans :D



01-06-16, 08:11 AM
So graceful!

When will my rat snakes grow up this large? So I can have epic necklace too...

01-07-16, 01:39 AM
Wow, I had pretty much forgotten how Artemis looked when he was younger, quite a change in size and pattern. Not sure if russian rats are the best necklace snake though, they're not inclined to hold still very long. Dominican boas are a bit more relaxed.
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v628/toddnbecka/Snakes/P1060653_zpswezh7fus.jpg (http://smg.photobucket.com/user/toddnbecka/media/Snakes/P1060653_zpswezh7fus.jpg.html)

01-07-16, 03:01 AM
Hahaha, yeah, they wandered off after 10 or 15 minutes. And wow, that dominican is soo cute! <3

01-07-16, 03:44 PM
Ist this an Amur Natter? We call them that way in german

01-07-16, 05:00 PM
PAtrickT, exactly, thats amurnatter :)

01-09-16, 05:51 AM
Oh really awesome looking snakes :D, love that milk-stache Orion has going on.

01-18-16, 02:08 PM
Artemis being cute in their refreshed tank :D



01-21-16, 08:42 AM
At the moment Orion is in blue, but still looks nice, so I snapped two pics.



01-31-16, 09:40 AM
Yesterday Orion and Artemis tried to mate for the first time :D I guess that warmer weather and switching them to small rats did the trick. Of course as it was a first try for both of them they didn't lock, but I'm glad that they are trying. In a few days we'll introduce Orion to Callisto, as she's the one I wanted to pair with him this year. I'm super exctided! :D

Albert Clark
01-31-16, 10:20 AM
They all look fantastic Sylph. Congrats on your collection!

02-17-16, 10:52 AM
First lock today! I'm so happy! The pair Orion and Artemis, both 3 years old :) It's the first time for both of them, but I'm having big hopes! We're switching him between both females once in a while, so I hope that he'll lock with Callisto too!

02-17-16, 12:23 PM
when artemis was going to eat the 2 mice, were they fresh or frozen thawed? he must have a really good appetite. i wish mac did.

02-17-16, 02:04 PM
All our snakes are on frozen/thawed :) And yes, Russian Rat Snakes are like pigs, they will eat anything and everytime you gave. Both our 3yo are already on medium rats (one every 14-17 days).

04-22-16, 07:02 AM
I did a progress pics collage of Artemis a few days ago. Excuse the watermark, I was posting it on some facebook groups :)

She's doing fine, gaining her weight after laying eggs, and let me tell you, she's a lot more calm than ever before. I can finally reach into her tank without any feeding bites! The other two are together in one tank for breeding, but unfortunately no locks for now.



07-02-16, 10:38 AM
I haven't updated for a loooong time here! We got some nice outdoor pics, unfrtunately Callisto (8yo female) is in shed, so I'll update on her later. She was also sick few weeks ago and lost a lot of weight so is in "hospital" tank now.

Both Artemis and Orion are doing great! She got back all her weight after laying her eggs too!









07-02-16, 10:39 AM








07-02-16, 10:39 AM






07-02-16, 10:24 PM
Looking really good and healthy. I saw a baby Russian rat snake available on a FB reptile group the other day, and was rather tempted. Still holding out for the Prasina though, and needing to move a couple of aquariums out to make room for stacking enclosures for my current collection.

07-03-16, 02:35 AM
toddnbecka, I really recommend them! :) If you'll have the chance to get them and enough space, don't think too much, haha!

07-04-16, 06:41 AM
Calliso shed last night, so some pics of here are below. She was having protazoa recently, is now cured but still skinny. Should be better with few more feedings!





09-14-16, 05:04 AM
I saw Melanistic russian rat for the first time! It's so beautiful and awesome!!!

11-02-16, 01:28 PM
Woah, I didn't post here for a long time! After a few years I need to say that our Russians are the only species that I'm 100% confident working with on a daily basis (like I don't ever feel they can suprise me with some kind of attack etc.). I'm a little jumpy around our other reptiles but once you got to know your Russian it's like working with a dog (at least for me).

That's one of the reasons why russians are one of the 4 species we decided to work with (the rest is going to new homes). Below pics of three babies that still looks for their new owners. I'll post pics of our two hodlbacks someday too!

(And yeah, I know they are not the best quality, but recently it's all cloudy outside, so hard to do good pics).



11-03-16, 01:46 PM
These Russian rats of yours are something else. I love the black and yellow. I'm wondering where here in the states I can find one.... Thanks for the pics.

11-03-16, 02:00 PM
Beautiful. I've found a breeder of Russian rats not too from me who has an excellent reputation so may well add on to the collection.

11-03-16, 03:07 PM
In US try Zerkle Reptiles, I know they were having het. melanistic clutch this year too! :) Or maybe someone from your state will got o Hamm shows and could take one of mines to you? :)

11-03-16, 05:22 PM
These Russian rats of yours are something else. I love the black and yellow. I'm wondering where here in the states I can find one.... Thanks for the pics.

They're rare in the US. It took me over a year to find breeding stock. My guys have more growing up to do before they're ready to breed yet though.

Watch Fauna Classifieds and Kingsnake for ads, and if you see one you like pounce on it because it will be gone in a heartbeat. I got really tired of hearing, "Already sold."

11-04-16, 03:28 AM
Yesterday Zerkle posted their for sae list and there were Russians, so I really recommend checking them! But they were 150-200$ each from what I remember.

11-04-16, 11:42 AM
I looked at Zerkls facebook page. Wow they have some nice looking snakes. I just saw the Chinese king rat. Yellow and black. Oh wow. I think I want one of them even more.

11-04-16, 01:02 PM
Yesterday Zerkle posted their for sae list and there were Russians, so I really recommend checking them! But they were 150-200$ each from what I remember.

Wow that expensive? They're not popular in the UK and can be had for $25-30! I'm going to see if the breeder is at the reptile show on Sunday to see if she has any currently as I'm very tempted.

11-04-16, 02:02 PM
Yeah, they are a lot cheaper here too!

11-05-16, 02:35 AM
Works for me them being cheaper though :). Particularly wild types-makes building the collection more achievable.

11-05-16, 03:59 AM
Exactly :) This year I know that few other breeders around the world were having het. melanistic too, but the prices went sooo high as to more than 500$ for a pair... Personally I sold one pair for 200Euro, single male 80Euro, and the three that are still looking for home are now 90Eu each if someone would want all three of them... But I'm sure that if someone would be decided then I would sell them cheaper.

And I still got some opinions that I'm selling them below their worth and I'm "destroying the market" :D

02-27-17, 06:03 AM
If you open the door of Russian Ratsnake enclosure and she's not immediately checking what you are doing - it can only be death. :(

Our beautiful 9yo Callisto died in the night, I guess she must have been a lot older (or really overbreed in previous owners care).

https://scontent.fwaw3-1.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/16998895_840648132742434_8973897668972281163_n.jpg ?oh=b449bdff07fa8e7bc516e7b06d6d2dc4&oe=593F2520

EL Ziggy
02-27-17, 10:51 AM
Aww, I'm so sorry for your loss Sylphie. :(

02-28-17, 09:49 PM
That too bad. Sorry to hear this.

03-01-17, 12:15 AM
Bummer, really sorry to hear you lost her.

03-01-17, 03:44 AM
Thank you for kind words!

05-01-17, 07:12 AM
This year we won't breed any of our snakes, as they are either too young or in case of Artemis she has a one year break for regeneration. But, here are some new pics of Arty and a few taken last summer of our two holdbacks. I hope it'll be warmer soon as I would love to take a good, new pictures in natural light.









05-01-17, 08:50 AM
Bootiful snakesss...! :D

05-02-17, 12:15 AM
Only 2 hold backs? That must have been tough, lol.

05-02-17, 03:18 AM
Beautiful! really like those 2 holdbacks

05-02-17, 03:36 AM
Thank you!

And I chosed two most calm and inquisitive babies, so it wasn't really that hard :D After all it's impossible to predict how they will turn as adults so I decided to just hold the two best "pets" :)

I wanted to do a new pics of all our snakes today, but it's so cloudy that it'll probably need to wait a few days.

05-02-17, 03:40 AM
Good idea, I did the same when I picked Kira as a holdback way back then. And he remained the most calm retic I have ever owned :D hope it turns out the same for you. I've been wanting to take pictures of my snakes for days but the weather has not been cooperating with me..

05-20-17, 05:49 AM
Did new pics recently, so here they are!








05-20-17, 06:09 AM





And two more of Artemis:


Unfortunately "Seventh" was in shed so I don't have new pics of him yet.

dave himself
05-20-17, 06:19 AM
Stunning snakes :Wow:

05-20-17, 10:49 AM
Very nice collection you have there! I may have to expand my collection some!! :rolleyes:

05-20-17, 11:00 AM
Love these guys. I'm going to be keeping an eye out for these at the reptile show next month.

05-20-17, 11:07 AM
Thanks! I never once regretted getting into this species! They are super easy with nice size and activity levels :)