View Full Version : love is in the air :)

03-12-15, 11:06 AM
things are off to a good start, been matching my couples for a few months now and have witnessed a few locks, managed to get a picture of my huge 3200++g ETB female and her little stud yesterday :)
her weight was 3200g almost a year ago and has put on a little since, i just chose not to disturb her ,, at almost 8ft long and the size of her hear,, avoiding a confrontaion is my #1 prority LOL but seeing the male next to her give a good idea on the size, male is a normal 800g ish ++
the first picture is of them,
the next pictures are from two other pairings i'm trying, havent visually seen locks, but they were all over each other and i think one female ovulated two weeks ago..
my males have taken turns visiting the girls to stimulate them..

sorry for the cheap cell phone pics...

04-04-15, 05:26 PM
Hey tang, what was the outcome of this?

04-23-15, 10:38 AM
I love anything Corallus I'm hoping my ATBs are going to go this year.