View Full Version : Open challenge

03-09-15, 01:27 PM
My wife and I have donated an undisclosed amount to usark recently, not to mention any previous donations that may have been made. We are challenging you ALL to make a donation of at least $25. your pets and projects may not have been on the list now but if we don't act they will be. if we look back a few years ago you will see they tried to get all "nonnative" wild life banned as pets. from ball pythons to parakeets. this is just the next step. they are picking us off one by one now. don't fool yourself and think you are safe. you aren't. please find it in your heart to donate at least $25 to usark. if not then I guess we do deserve to loose our right to keep these majestic animals.

03-10-15, 02:59 PM
Donated before, and just did again

03-11-15, 09:54 AM
I have been for years but now it is more important than it has been since cat x.

03-11-15, 07:14 PM
Donated :-)

Let's come up with a way to take money for our enemies and give to USARK at the same time! I've told all my relatives over and over not to donate to HSUS.

03-11-15, 07:51 PM
I'm now donating out of every paycheck; not ton at a time but every bit helps. I've been doing what I can to get others in on our fight: pit bull owners, gun owners, myself and a few others have contacted the libertarians and the Calvary group. I even take my time to ask as I check out at petsmarts if the donate money option at the cash register goes to the HSUS(it doesn't)..... Then i say "GOOD"... they always ask why and i explain and have clear info on my phone to show them. works pretty well.

Everyone needs to understand the truth behind the HSUS. They will not stop until all animals in human possession are DEAD. The lobby against no kill shelters, kill what they can, they're currently taking down the egg farming industry across the nation. They will not stop until there are no pets and were all veagans. Let my get some stuff to share for those of you that are in the dark about them.