View Full Version : skin problem?

03-08-15, 01:11 PM
Hi i got my king a few weeks ago from a friend. She was getting ready to shed. Today she finally shed and it came completely off in about 3 pieces :)
now when i picked her up from the previous owner she had what appeared to be dry or even scabbed skin along her back. I was told it was dry skin and to try to increase the humidity a bit in her cage.

Thefirst photo is from a couole of days ago. The second and third are from today after her shed. What is it

03-08-15, 01:18 PM
I don't use a heat lamp and the heat pad doesn't go above 75 degrees. Her belly looks in my opinion fine so i dont think its from that.

I made her a humid hide but couldn't manage the humidity properly with the moss used so i took the moss out and with Just some paper towel in it humidity sits at 30 percent... I don't know what a suitable humidity is for a king but the damp moss was around 80-95%

03-09-15, 11:28 AM
Nobody knows what this is?

03-09-15, 11:35 AM
looks like dry skin and bit of retained shed. much better after shed and will continue to improve every shed with proper husbandry.

03-09-15, 12:17 PM
Okay thanks!