View Full Version : Normal shedding behaviour?

02-28-15, 06:04 AM
Since I brought Mushu home Dec 14 he has shed twice. Both times he has shed inside of his hide. Now after each time I noticed he completed his shed I picked him up and examined him and both times it's been a complete shed, eye caps, tail tip etc. Is this normal for a snake to shed inside his hide? His cage has wood and a rock to rub on. It's a PVC cage and during the day only sunlight from a small window near by illuminates the room. This is my first snake and I'm used to seeing snakes in the open shedding their skin.

dave himself
02-28-15, 06:36 AM
All snakes are different so him shedding inside his hide is nothing to worry about :)

02-28-15, 12:00 PM
Okay thanks, I thought a complete shed even if out of the ordinary should be a good thing. Haven't had to soak him to get skin off. Being new to herps in general figured better to ask and confirm.

02-28-15, 12:45 PM
It took days after the first shed to realize he did it. I didn't want to bother him so only checked in once a day to look for skin. Sneaky bugger did it in his hide. Now I'm on to him and his tactics.