View Full Version : Garter love
02-23-15, 03:48 PM
seeing garters grow on these forums, i thought it would be a great idea to start this thread.
Post pics of your garters! (ribbons are welcome as well).
Mrs. B from last summer: (
EL Ziggy
02-23-15, 05:07 PM
Mrs. B is a real beauty Kyle!
02-23-15, 09:48 PM
Great snake and topic! Garters are cool snakes!
02-23-15, 11:18 PM
Nice garter and great idea for a thread!
Here are my 2 males. California red sided and het albino checkered
02-23-15, 11:26 PM
And a few more because everyone likes pictures...
The red sided is a spaz if you have to get near him or move him for cleaning but the checkered is quite calm and they both eat pinkies no problem.
02-24-15, 07:49 AM
Here's a few of my favorite photos. :)
In his old tank. He's since been upgraded to a much larger tank and he is now on aspen rather than EcoEarth. But I managed to catch him while in blue. (
Then later I caught him shedding. ( (
He's been outside a few times, but I don't generally let him leave my hands. (
I did put a bunch of grass blades into Cloud's weighing tub once and let him crawl around in it. He was so interested by the grass he only made a few nominal attempts to leave the tub and gave up after I blocked his way a few times. ( ( (
02-24-15, 08:25 AM
Nice pics guys! I want to add a garter to my life in the future as well. =)
02-24-15, 01:35 PM
Beautiful garters!
02-24-15, 01:36 PM
Nice pics guys! I want to add a garter to my life in the future as well. =)
You totally should! Join the club:)
02-24-15, 01:38 PM
There are CALM Checkereds? Well, that's a relief. Maybe someday we'll get there. LOL.
The only Dart photo I didn't put in the other thread! From yesterday.
02-24-15, 01:43 PM
Yeah man lol mine is totally chill
02-24-15, 03:14 PM
Yeah man lol mine is totally chill
I think the lady garters are, in general, more laid back than the boys. The boys seem to be prone to fits of histrionics.
...although it's hilarious when they try to escape in their water dish. Aww, little snake, you don't realize that won't work, do you? I can still see you. It's not that deep.
02-24-15, 03:31 PM
I think the lady garters are, in general, more laid back than the boys. The boys seem to be prone to fits of histrionics.
...although it's hilarious when they try to escape in their water dish. Aww, little snake, you don't realize that won't work, do you? I can still see you. It's not that deep.
That's what I hear at least. haha I don't mind Draco's craziness too awfully bad, I just get worried he'll hurt himself every time he makes it to the floor. -.- If I'm holding him I usually catch him, but it's difficult to if he does that from his tank, because of the awkward set up in the living room. >.>
I took Draco out yesterday to weigh him again, because I didn't believe that 23 gram nonsense, and he was being nice and calm. After awhile of having him out he started getting a bit antsy, though. I got him from his cool hide, so he may have been a little cool, causing him to be a bit sluggish. I'll keep working with him and see if I can't get him to calm down for me again. haha
02-24-15, 06:45 PM
Here are some pics of my little beasties
02-24-15, 06:56 PM
All beauties. Makes me want to adopt the Taiwanese Beauty Snake the rescuers have up for adoption. She's about 6' and docile.
Anyways, thanks for sharing.
Proud Papa tonight. He got down a whole pinkie. He took it behind Bikini Bottom so I didn't get see the good eating, but he has a nice after lump.
02-27-15, 05:44 AM
Wait your snakes wear bikinis.
02-27-15, 05:55 AM
31313Abbett and Costelo. And Sonny and Cher.
02-27-15, 08:42 AM
New pics of Mrs. B :) ( ( ( (
Caught shedding lol (
03-01-15, 08:39 AM
Awesone garters everyone! Some pics from yesterday...
03-01-15, 10:20 AM
I really want a checkered so bad, next time I see one I'm snapping it up.
03-01-15, 10:23 AM
I really want a checkered so bad, next time I see one I'm snapping it up.
good:) join the club :p
03-01-15, 03:35 PM
New pics of Mrs. B :) ( ( ( (
Caught shedding lol (
She's so huge! She makes Draco seem like a tiny little pasta in comparison. (I wish he didn't hide so much nowadays, I might have more photos. >.> But he loves his burrows so it's hard to catch him when he does come out and explore.)
03-01-15, 06:41 PM
She's so huge! She makes Draco seem like a tiny little pasta in comparison. (I wish he didn't hide so much nowadays, I might have more photos. >.> But he loves his burrows so it's hard to catch him when he does come out and explore.)
IKR! lol Mrs. B is always out. she is actually staring at me as im typing haha
03-02-15, 01:03 PM
bigsnakegirl785, how much stuff do you have in Draco's enclosure? I stuffed Dart's full of all sorts of crap, and I catch him out at least once a day, usually.
He has like...3 plants, 2 plastic hides, a humid hide, a ledge, some egg space doesn't really exist for him, haha.
03-02-15, 02:23 PM
bigsnakegirl785, how much stuff do you have in Draco's enclosure? I stuffed Dart's full of all sorts of crap, and I catch him out at least once a day, usually.
He has like...3 plants, 2 plastic hides, a humid hide, a ledge, some egg space doesn't really exist for him, haha.
Not a lot of stuff, but stuff that takes up room. Here's a picture of his enclosure, he got a new plant a few weeks ago, and it took me several weeks to stop being lazy and wash it so I could put it in his tank. lol ?oh=238d5df40516e89b1bb51e99b63ea406&oe=558F7713&__gda__=1435064697_d625819969ab982dc073de0be86ce98 3
He's only really been shy since I deepened his bedding, which is weird.
03-11-15, 12:46 PM
some bad pics of Mrs. B exploring last night. ( ( (
03-11-15, 02:13 PM
Buttered noodles?
Also, have a video. Dart usually hides when I'm present but this time he...came...out? Urgent snake business, apparently.
03-11-15, 02:19 PM
lookin good!
03-11-15, 03:08 PM
Draco took his second meal with two pinkies, and seems to have actually reach 20 grams! I weighed him a few times over the course of about 2 weeks and he was 20 grams each time. That means he put on 2 grams in only a few weeks rather than the 1 gram a month he was gaining before. He also took his first pinkie from the tongs again, but although he displays hunting activities and chases the second mouse, he hasn't taken the second directly from the tongs either time. (
A Draco sighting! Since I put that huge plant into his tank, I've noticed him hanging out on his hot end and in the plant a lot more. Maybe he just needed a bit more cover, or something to block the lamp's light a bit better? This was on his cool end, though. (
03-11-15, 07:10 PM
Such lovely beauties you guys have, I'm going to ask my country max to order me a normal checkered garter I think.
03-12-15, 12:25 PM
They sure are cute little buggers.
03-17-15, 06:48 AM
Stealth mode activated (
03-17-15, 08:24 AM
Dart's been hiding on me a bit--I think he might be in shed again! I spot him peeking out of his hide and then WOOSH, gone.
I'm sure he's glad I have a new baby snake to distract myself with.
03-17-15, 03:48 PM
Here's Draco's stealth mode. Usually the only time he uses his humid hide is to hide under it rather than go in it.
03-17-15, 08:01 PM
Here's Draco's stealth mode. Usually the only time he uses his humid hide is to hide under it rather than go in it.
yeah, mine doesnt seem to favor the humid hide much either. i only put it in when i notice the humidity dropping. even then ,she doesnt use it.
03-18-15, 07:47 AM
Dart uses his--only he's so small I don't always notice he's in it if I pick it up. Once I dropped it, upside down, with him in it. Oops.
...he still uses it! Haha.
I figure the moss cushioned him and he was pretty cozy, but it was probably still confusing to the little guy to end up upside down for a moment.
03-18-15, 08:40 AM
yeah, mine doesnt seem to favor the humid hide much either. i only put it in when i notice the humidity dropping. even then ,she doesnt use it.
I usually just leave it in. It takes up space, and if he ever decides to use it, it's there.
Dart uses his--only he's so small I don't always notice he's in it if I pick it up. Once I dropped it, upside down, with him in it. Oops.
...he still uses it! Haha.
I figure the moss cushioned him and he was pretty cozy, but it was probably still confusing to the little guy to end up upside down for a moment.
The moss and the hide are very light, so I can tell when he's in there. haha
And poor Dart, I bet he was pretty confused! At least he still uses it and that didn't cause him to distrust it. :P
03-18-15, 12:22 PM
I'm so used to picking up the (identical) hide with the full heft of Noodle in it, that I just...don't notice Dart in his!
03-18-15, 04:29 PM
Caught Mrs. B out shedding, started recording and got her yawing!
03-19-15, 08:22 AM
"Noooo go awaaaaay I can't seeeeee"
04-14-15, 10:33 AM
Keeping this thread alive (
04-14-15, 11:18 AM
When I get Demigod set up in his tank I need to put some pics of him in this thread. He's a lot sillier than Draco is, and he hasn't really stopped exploring since he got here. Draco mostly hides. -.-
Albert Clark
04-14-15, 12:54 PM
My Crew breeding. 2011 1.0 and 0.1 albino checkered reproduction. :yes:
04-15-15, 07:24 AM
When I get Demigod set up in his tank I need to put some pics of him in this thread. He's a lot sillier than Draco is, and he hasn't really stopped exploring since he got here. Draco mostly hides. -.-
Lol I had an eastern for a month or so and he was all over the place! It's rare for me to catch Mrs. B hiding lol
04-15-15, 08:21 AM
Lol I had an eastern for a month or so and he was all over the place! It's rare for me to catch Mrs. B hiding lol
Yeah Draco loves his burrows! But Demigod doesn't seem to have figured out how to dig into the bedding yet. Unless he managed it while I was at school. lol He's only ever been housed on paper towels, but I like providing particulate bedding for my snakes unless there's a reason I need to collect a fecal sample.
Here's a series of photos showing him attempting to dig into his aspen. ( ( (
04-16-15, 08:28 PM
Haven't seen Dart out much lately. Not sure why. Dug him out of his humid hide today, though, just to say hello!
04-16-15, 10:01 PM
Nice garters everyone! Love these little guys! Can't wait till summer so I can go herping and find some easterns.
05-04-15, 10:33 AM
Eastern I caught Wednesday (
Albert Clark
05-04-15, 11:28 AM
My new addition and hopes to bring back the granite checkered garter. :blink:
05-04-15, 12:01 PM
My new addition and hopes to bring back the granite checkered garter. :blink:
Wow, sweet addition!
05-04-15, 01:11 PM
Really nice Albert!
08-13-15, 12:00 PM
Took Mrs. Buttercup out for some photos. ( ( ( ( (
08-13-15, 12:03 PM
Looking good DC!
Took Mrs. Buttercup out for some photos. ( ( ( ( (
08-13-15, 12:12 PM
thanks Steve!
Albert Clark
08-13-15, 12:59 PM
Wow, sweet addition!
Thank you dc. She really was a surprise. :)
Really nice Albert!
TYVM bsg. I agree! :freakedout:
Albert Clark
08-13-15, 01:07 PM
The process is a slow one so far with these granite pastel checkered garters. They have only thus far produced females and these are the most recent ones born 6-27-15 :) I have three of them now. The runt is doing very well these days. These pics are 3 weeks old
11-24-15, 05:26 PM
Mrs. B chowing down on some pinkies (
11-24-15, 07:22 PM
Demigod being weird.
And look how much Draco has grown!!!!!
This first photo is from July. (
And this was from November. (
Draco and Demigod used to be about the same size, now Draco dwarves Demigod. o.o They're both about the same age.
11-25-15, 06:59 AM
Mrs. B chowing down on some pinkies (
Beautiful Kyle!
05-03-16, 02:24 PM
Gotta wake this thread back up. Time for more shoelace snake. :)
Albert Clark
05-03-16, 03:52 PM
Hey guys and gals pm me for hatchling pastel het granite garters info. I will post some pics tomorrow of my cool productions. Have produced some decent albino checkereds too.
Here's my wc albino eastern I've had for a few years. ( (
Some Shorthead Garters I found herping in Western PA. ( ( (
05-03-16, 09:29 PM
Some nice garters guys! Since I haven't posted this in Draco and Demigod's profile thread yet I'll put it here. :)
Demigod is still the feistiest eater I've got.
This is already in their thread, but I'll put it here too so both can be included.
Albert Clark
05-04-16, 06:08 AM
Man! Those are some extra special garters there SW. Great finds. Don't really get to see those shortheads in the hobby at all. The albino eastern is gorgeous. Thanks.
Albert Clark
05-04-16, 06:11 AM
BSG, Demigod and Draco are getting big and looking great! Grats.
Albert Clark
05-04-16, 06:14 AM
Had some little albino checkered scrubs born back in April and they are putting on size fast.
Albert Clark
05-04-16, 07:59 AM
Hey OD, Dart is looking fantastic! Thanks for putting the thread into the forefront.
05-04-16, 11:38 PM
35002This is a must see.
Now that's an awesome thing to experience.
05-05-16, 10:23 PM
The first snake I ever had was a garter. I can blame my childhood pet Rocky for my snake obsession.
Does anyone know someone who breeds California red-sided garters? I am in love with them. If I could find a male / female future breeding pair that would be awesome. There doesn't appear to be a whole lot of them available though.
Albert Clark
05-05-16, 10:49 PM
The first snake I ever had was a garter. I can blame my childhood pet Rocky for my snake obsession.
Does anyone know someone who breeds California red-sided garters? I am in love with them. If I could find a male / female future breeding pair that would be awesome. There doesn't appear to be a whole lot of them available though.
That's a cool way to get hooked on reptiles. Pm me. I know someone who just hatched out a big litte of Calif. Red sideds.. Maybe he still has a few left.
05-06-16, 08:23 AM
Third Eye Herp has 'em on his page, you can see if he has any. (Third Eye California Garter Snake Page ( I haven't dealt with this breeder personally but I almost went with him for my Russian.
Zerkle Reptiles may have some available, if not now then later? I'm not sure what garters Zerkle bred for this season, really, but you can ask on their FB page. These are the breeders I got my Russian Rat from in the end and they're great folks. (They are listed on their website,
05-06-16, 02:21 PM
Ooooo, thank you both! :)
Obsidian Dragon, do you happen to have an e-mail address for Zerkle Reptiles you could PM to me? I am the last human on Earth to resist the siren song of Facebook and don't see one on their website. I realize that assimiliation is inevitable, but have been putting it off as long as possible.
Albert Clark
05-07-16, 04:03 AM
Good luck SD!
05-09-16, 03:29 AM
I struck out. Tried several breeders. Alas, no garter love for me. :(
(Playing the world's smallest violin.)
RAD House
05-09-16, 03:36 AM
I am pretty sure Jeff Benfer has some available right now. You can find his add on fauna classifieds or email him at
05-09-16, 05:00 AM
I tried a couple of times to reach him, both by e-mail and Fauna Classifieds PM but no response. I assumed it was because he must have sold out.
Albert Clark
05-09-16, 05:58 AM
There is going to be some hatching out in about 1 month or so from someone else i know of. I will shoot you a pm later today. Yeah Jeff had a litter of 26 hatchlings and he probably did sell out. But i would keep trying him until i actually get a response. He is very busy but usually returns emails.
05-09-16, 08:27 AM
Ooooo, thank you both! :)
Obsidian Dragon, do you happen to have an e-mail address for Zerkle Reptiles you could PM to me? I am the last human on Earth to resist the siren song of Facebook and don't see one on their website. I realize that assimiliation is inevitable, but have been putting it off as long as possible.
It's there, just hard to spot.
(oh god guys your website is terrible, WHY)
05-09-16, 11:53 AM
Thank you! :)
05-19-16, 11:37 PM
There IS garter love for me! Jeff had some neon blue CRS left after all. I picked up a future breeding pair. They arrive Tuesday, along with two Super Mojave BEL ball python sisters that will one day pair up with my Purple Passion and a Banana Spider (different breeder).
The garter snake I had was an adult common garter and super mellow. He almost never musked and he never bit. Having some nervous Nellie CRS babies will be a trip. They are so tiny that they are eating cut-up pieces of nightcrawlers dipped in Reptivite. I can hardly imagine keeping something so small and fragile alive, but here goes....
Albert Clark
05-20-16, 05:39 AM
@SD: Congrats there man! Those California red sideds can be switched over to cut up pink mice right away. Two of mine came from Jeff also and I immediately switched them over to cut pink mice and fresh ocean perch, tilapia and salmon. They all are doing well now and a little over a year old. The reptivite doesn't need to be given at every meal either so be careful with that. Good luck. Jeff is the man and a excellent resource. Actually the female sided may be large enough to take 1 day old pink whole mice. The male probably in a month or so. Once on the mice they won't need the reptivite at all.
05-20-16, 11:49 PM
Albert, do you house your CRS garters together? I would never dare with most other species, but a lot of people seem to do it with success and some people even think it helps a nervous young one to have a cagemate. They'll start out in a hatchling tub and graduate to a 29 gallon long (lots of hiding spots of course). They were born a couple of weeks apart - not sure yet what the size difference is between them yet.
Albert Clark
05-21-16, 09:13 AM
Hey SD, I separate all my animals based on sex. They are individual tubs and of course, the females are always bigger than the males and need the extra space. I have a 32 qt. Tub rack for my females. And a 15 qt. Tub for the males. No animal gets housed together unless they have been through conditioning period for breeding. I don't believe in communal housing for any reptile. Causes unecessary stress. Unless they are hatchlings. Your pair should be housed together for now bc they are so small and are hatchlings. A nice plastic bowl with airholes and a snap on lid works great. You more than likely will have to separate them for feedings to avoid food fights and the possible injury. When they start putting on size then it will be good to separate them.
05-22-16, 03:19 AM
I just thought I'd post this. It's been a long time since I've been active here. Am thinking of breeding her to a male who's het for anery and albino. Good, maybe? My two red sided love the "food bringer" but the males wandering hates me bc I popped him when he was little, lol. I forgive him lol.
Albert Clark
05-22-16, 06:12 AM
Hi jal! Wow, is she a blue puget? Very pretty snake. That was a great video but I was sorry to see her being fed so many goldfish at one time. She looks very healthy but goldfish is the worse fish to feed to any snake. They are known as a "junk food" but more importantly they are loaded with parasites and also with thiaminase a enzyme that destroys Vitamin b1. So, for the future if you want to feed fish to your snakes it should be fresh fish from the market or f/t . Guppies are a better choice for live fish feedings. It helps if the guppies are captive bred. Or whatever species of fish you have that are captive bred. F/t rodents are a complete nutrition and by far the best food choice for garters especially the hairless ones if you can find them. Mice pinks and rat pinks are most suitable. As far as breeding, I hope you plan to breed her to another blue puget. If that is truly what she is? Good luck and you are welcome to pm me if you want for any clarification.
05-22-16, 11:34 PM
Hi Albert!! No worries, she rarely eats junk food. Only on the rare occasion our gar leaves some leftovers :) I promise, her main diet is slugs, pinkies, worms, and trout! But it's always good to point out in case anyone thinks it's a staple food.
Anyway, Anery red-sided! Here's her and her beau.
Albert Clark
05-23-16, 04:14 AM
Hi Albert!! No worries, she rarely eats junk food. Only on the rare occasion our gar leaves some leftovers :) I promise, her main diet is slugs, pinkies, worms, and trout! But it's always good to point out in case anyone thinks it's a staple food.
Anyway, Anery red-sided! Here's her and her beau.
Okay jal! I feel better. I thought she was a blue puget. Even though I saw in your first post where you mentioned anery. Yeah, keep her healthy and I can't wait to see those babies. Nice pairing.
05-24-16, 02:54 PM
Holy schmokies, I cannot believe how tiny those baby CRS garters are! I am going to have to drill holes in yet another tub. They are so little that they can wiggle through the ventilation holes I put in the original tub--which are NOT large holes. They are about the size of an ordinary garden earthworm. Super cute. But I'm almost afraid to touch them because they are so fragile!
05-25-16, 05:28 PM
Here's a valley garter I found out herping a local bird refuge.
Albert Clark
05-25-16, 05:33 PM
That's a great specimen h-d! Nice catch. Nice size too, probably female.
05-25-16, 11:29 PM
Holy schmokies, I cannot believe how tiny those baby CRS garters are! I am going to have to drill holes in yet another tub. They are so little that they can wiggle through the ventilation holes I put in the original tub--which are NOT large holes. They are about the size of an ordinary garden earthworm. Super cute. But I'm almost afraid to touch them because they are so fragile!
Babies are definitely super tiny! I always felt like the smallest twinge in my fingers would crush Draco when he was a baby (and my hand randomly spasms all the time). When I first got him he didn't even register on the scale! An earthworm would have dwarfed him. haha
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