View Full Version : My DIY snakeroom part 2, Backgrounds.
02-20-15, 11:39 AM
Part one of my snakeroom turned out great, It had one issue in the end of the topic that i'm going to work on in this one. Check out the topic here.
If you happened to have read the end of the build topic, we had to take the natural bedding and plants out because of mold issues. (Closer investigations showed the lacquer peeled off, i did not want to risk the construction being damaged so all snakes are on dry woodchucks temporarily ) And there was a tiny problem with annoying little flies....
Anyway without any further delay, part 2 of my snake-room building threads will be fake rock backgrounds for the tubs :). Since i have to seal them all off with epoxy now anyway, i might as well take my time and do it the way i want :D After they have been sealed completely a new batch of natural bedding shouldn't be an issue!
My neighbors accepted this package for me, they probably think i'm a terrorist now :rolleyes:
Clear industrial epoxy resin, no water ever getting through again.
Here's a picture of the ordered stuff for the backgrounds, about half the required amount haha.
02-20-15, 11:42 AM
Your first thread is amazing. Cant wait to see this one come together! thats going to be one hell of a nice setup.
02-20-15, 11:51 AM
I've decided to test some designs and technique's before starting on the real thing, seemed wise as i have never done anything like this seriously. The following pictures are the Test bit, that is why they are a bit sloppy! None of this will end up in the actual viv's, but it's great to experiment on.
Straight pieces did not look too good.
Random curved pieces looked better.
Trying to carve some shape into them, but since the pieces were only held together by toothpicks it's done a bit crudely. I really like the idea though!
Added tile-glue to see what it would look like.
Not too shabby looking! (Note: really thin layer)
Added some sand to the top part, just to see what it looks like. I kind of like it!
The color it's becoming now that it's starting to dry, highlights and shadows will be painted later on.
02-20-15, 11:54 AM
Your first thread is amazing. Cant wait to see this one come together! thats going to be one hell of a nice setup.
Thanks :D i'll do my best to keep this one interesting. And there is always more to come when we start building Xena's final terrarium!
02-20-15, 12:57 PM
Jeezus! That's alot of stuff! the start you jave on the bg! Can't wait to see it finished. =)
02-20-15, 11:51 PM
Yeah it's a lot of stuff, n i wonder how far it will take me. I might have enough sculpting material. However I'm sure i don't have enough glue/resin/paint. Thx :D
02-20-15, 11:59 PM
I'm really looking forward to seeing the finished product!
02-21-15, 03:40 AM
So am i! Wish i had more time to work on them, but working fulltime and still doing construction elsewhere... I'm going to do my best though.
dave himself
02-21-15, 06:42 AM
I'm another one who can't wait to see this finished
David VB
02-21-15, 08:08 AM
Can you do mine too plz??? ;)
02-21-15, 09:42 AM
Well, i'll try to update as often as possible Dave :D
And David, i could, but i don't think you'd like my hourly wage !
03-01-15, 02:10 PM
I have tested many ways of painting, on this picture it looks really messy but i think i found what i want to do :D
Time to get ready to start!! Cutting up the styrofoam in many shapes, before carving them to look more like stone.
All carved up and ready to start!
03-01-15, 02:14 PM
My glue looks like garlic in a bucket.
Fitted and glued the first part! (I took pictures every new row i made, but i'll skip a lot of them for your watching convenience!)
03-01-15, 02:20 PM
Then came a new issue, the RHP is pretty close to the wall. The room will be restricted and have to keep it slim, so i decided to carve a flat piece to make it look like the rest. I think it worked out pretty well, got to remember it will look 100% better after using the tile glue and paints.
So this is the flat piece i made.
I got it pretty thin :D
And it fits!!
03-01-15, 02:23 PM
This is the end product!!! I think it looks great so far, can't wait till i can cover it! Wanted to do so today, sadly the Styrofoam glue has to dry for 48h! On top right you can see the slim part where the RPH will be :D
This entire cutting-fitting-glue process took me about 9,5 hours.
03-01-15, 11:17 PM
Looking amazing!
03-02-15, 03:46 AM
I'm excited to see new updates.
03-02-15, 05:19 AM
Thanks both! Tbh can't wait to continue, have to work though :)
meh...."day jobs" are over rated......we need more pics!
03-02-15, 07:13 AM
True true, sadly my 'day job' has to pay for the progress :D
Jim Smith
03-02-15, 08:19 AM
Great job and thanks for posting as you progress through your project. I'm sure it helps inspire others and gives people ideas to enhance the enclosures we house our animals in. Nice job!
03-03-15, 09:26 PM
Haha this is the type of thing I am planning for my terrariums it's a great help to see your process. Thanks so much.
03-05-15, 11:20 AM
Here we go! An update :)
Some glue!
Brushes is the way to go when applying tile-glue to Styrofoam.
It gets really messy applying the glue.
'cleaned' the edges with a clean wet brush, if you want to do this its best to use a soft one. Just keep it wet and clean, softly brush towards the wall. Or brush to the sides and down on the vertical area's, droplets are easily cleaned with a wet piece of cloth or whatever.
Used the big brush to distribute the bulk of the glue.
Small brush to get the glue in the crevices etc.
03-05-15, 11:24 AM
I decided to fill in all the nooks/crevices, and only put a thin layer on top this time around. This way the details stay more visible, it's a bit of a pain to do but worth it. I smear on a layer with a big brush, then use the smaller one from previous picture to bring back the details and distribute better.
Flash photo of it over halfway done, right side only done with large brush.
What it looks like completely covered with the first layer :D
03-05-15, 11:35 AM
Seriously doubting how i'm going to put on the second layer, So i grabbed my experimental piece and started to work with that again.
I mixed sand with the remaining tile glue, and put on a THICK layer of glue to see what it would look like. It looks nice but i don't think i prefer this smooth less detailed version, over what i have been doing so far!
This is a detailed shot of what the wall looks like now, the tile glue will be thicker later one but i can choose whether or not i make it smoother or not. (The blotchy pieces is because it was already drying)
This is a detailed shot of what the smooth tile glue on the background looks like, compared to the one with the sand added to it. Don't mind the color to much, it has not dried yet and the lighting is different on each picture. I really wonder what the one with the sand added to will dry like, because i do see sóme difference so far, but i doubt it will be noticeable after painting so don't see a reason to do it so far,
dave himself
03-05-15, 11:55 AM
That looks fantastic mate keep the pics coming on your progress :)
03-05-15, 12:00 PM
Thx! any opinion about whether to make it smoother, or keep it as is? :D
03-05-15, 12:35 PM
I say as is. Looks more natural that way =)
03-05-15, 02:01 PM
Thx mate, i'm also inclined to keep it that way.. Still unsure whether or not ill use the sand. Depends on how it looks like dried up, and how it handles paint :D
03-05-15, 04:08 PM
that is very, very cool. how big is that enclosure? what kind of wood did you make it out of?
are you brush painting it or are you going to use airbrush
03-05-15, 04:22 PM
Thank you jossh. It is part of a larger build. The building of this has its own topic: My do it yourself snakeroom (
This is what it looked like before i started making custom backgrounds! This one is top left, and i'm going to do all of them. Hoping it will look even better than it does on this picture once i'm all done!! But i have faith :D
03-06-15, 01:59 PM
That's beautiful on its own. Ill check that thread. You're talented, my friend.
03-06-15, 02:21 PM
thanks jossh :D and i'm going to paint it with natural sponges to answer your question.
dave himself
03-07-15, 01:55 AM
I'd say keep it it as is,it's more natural looking imo :)
03-07-15, 11:37 AM
I'm another one who can't wait to see this finished
I totally agree!
03-07-15, 04:17 PM
I'll keep it as it :) trying to make time to add another layer tomorrow :D
03-08-15, 12:28 PM
can't wait to see more pic's you are doing an amazing job
03-15-15, 09:17 AM
Well since they called with an emergency from work, it took a bit longer than i wanted. Anyway, here's the second layer! i made it thick enough that this Might be the last layer required, after it dries i can check if i have to touch up places. I have made it a bit smoother, to keep it easy to clean. But tried to keep as much detail as possible.
All dried up!
Started to add glue.
2nd layer is so much easier to add if the first layer is 100% covering.
Used my hands and a sponge to remove most of the brush marks, makes it look more natural!
03-15-15, 09:22 AM
For the painting i finally decided HOW im going to do it.
First wet sponging on the black.
Then make a mixture of light n dark paint and add to crevices.
Add some dark paint to deepest parts of crevices and bottom of plateau's.
Wet sponge over light paint.
Let it dry and then dry brush over some more of the light colored paint.
Last picture gives a general idea of what it will look like, the dark areas were still to wet to dry brush the light paint over though. But still.:D
03-15-15, 10:40 AM
Wow! Amazing work! Looks very natural.
03-28-15, 12:18 AM
Tsubaki can you provide a link to were u bought ur styrofoam?
03-28-15, 12:29 AM
Tsubaki can you provide a link to were u bought ur styrofoam?
She's in Europe. Probably not cost effective for you to order from there.
03-28-15, 01:22 AM
She's in Europe. Probably not cost effective for you to order from there.
your right on that lol, never paid attention to were shes from.
were would be a good place to order some foam like this?
03-28-15, 06:32 AM
Thanks for the comments! I have had to touch up a few places, but i'm finally ready to paint today! :D
I bought the Styrofoam at a local construction store, it wasn't that expensive to be honest. They also had many different sizes available. I paid 7,76 for it per package, which would be 8.48$ US.
03-28-15, 12:53 PM
Painting round one!!!
First i used a sponge to add the darkest color.
Added grey into the crevices.
Up close picture of the Black and Grey combo.
Added in more of the darkest color, into the crevices at random.
Sponged over the grey, for a less 'painted' look.
Starting to like this.
03-28-15, 12:56 PM
Part 2 of painting (part one on previous page)
Added a part of the highlights, the picture is bad sadly.
A last close up before i have to let it dry until i can continue.
It looks a lot better irl than it does on pictures, but it gives a pretty good idea :D Just a lill touch up painting left to do, and then i can add the epoxy resin! Once thats on, it's 100% done. Snake can move in, and i can move onto the next tub...
Only a few... heh what the hell did i get myself into..
03-28-15, 09:36 PM
Are you going to add anymore lighting?
03-29-15, 03:35 AM
I don't really see a reason to add more lighting. It is already bright enough that it supports plant growth. Thats without any natural light reaching the terrariums, during the day with the sun on the window i could turn the LEDs off even. Anyway, first 2 pics i had the wrong settings on my phone camera :) they do look a bit dark. The last picture was taken without flash - after dark. No additional lighting on either.
Albert Clark
03-29-15, 12:45 PM
Fantastic job boss!
03-29-15, 01:25 PM
Thanks Albert :)
03-30-15, 06:33 AM
Looks amazing.
Good planning and hard work make great results look easy. :)
Can't wait to see the final results with critters "installed".
03-30-15, 07:22 AM
Thx Chris, me neither :D
03-30-15, 02:37 PM
your right on that lol, never paid attention to were shes from.
were would be a good place to order some foam like this?
Not a clue, never worked with the stuff.
03-30-15, 05:12 PM
this is just amazing I love the work you have done.
03-30-15, 06:08 PM
Looks great. now just looking forward to seeing it occupied!
03-31-15, 04:50 AM
Thx! Finished the painting today, it's ready for sealing !! i just need 2 consecutive days off to seal them... Not sure when i will have that, i hope soon!
04-01-15, 02:59 AM
I took pictures of the finished and dried paint, only some detailed shots because you can't really see the difference otherwise. It ended up looking a lot like stone, i'm very happy :D
04-01-15, 08:08 AM
I took pictures of the finished and dried paint, only some detailed shots because you can't really see the difference otherwise. It ended up looking a lot like stone, i'm very happy :D
Could you post your materials list and application proccess to get the foam to look like that? We are still thinking of hanging an arboreal box for a GTP in the downstairs living room. A background like that would be very pretty.
04-01-15, 10:53 AM
Materials so far is pretty simple,
Glue. (Make sure it's viable for the foam, some glues melt styrofoam)
Tile Glue.
Other stuff i used:
A lighter to melt some parts (didn't use it much)
Natural sponge to paint.
Brushes to brush on tile-glue and paint
I cut thin strips into rock shaped pieces and glued them all on, covered them in several thinner layers of plain grey Tile-Glue. After it had a satisfactory coverage, painted it to make it look as natural as possible. After this i'm going to seal it all with epoxy resin, to make it 100% waterproof. That's all there is to it, a lot of cutting, gluing.. The rest is just creativity. Making a test piece really helped a lot.
04-05-15, 05:12 AM
Alright here we go, Epoxy!!
The amounts for the mixture have to be exactly right, best to use a scale!! It applied fairly easy, have to use gloves though (And after applying it you'll be glad you were wearing gloves, the gloves deteriorated badly) After the first layer, i can not believe how good it looks!!! i hope it stay this way, because i absolutely love it! It doesn't translate well onto the photo's, but i swear from a normal point of view, it looks JUST LIKE STONE! :D After i finish the last layer, i will do my best and try with my Canon DSLR to take a more truthful looking picture.
04-05-15, 10:05 AM
Wow amazing!!!
04-05-15, 10:51 AM
Just when I think it cant look any nicer....
04-05-15, 02:53 PM
Just caught this thread. I did follow your other thread for the snake room.
An amazing transformation from basic materials to a very realistic 3D background. Can I ask, did you consider using concrete render instead of the tile glue/sand combo? We've tried both, and found the render is easier and quicker to get done. Then sealed it with liquid pond sealer.
04-05-15, 05:27 PM
Thanks everyone! :D
pinefamily, i ended up not mixing any sand in with the tileglue, it was a lot easier to spread without it and the result was the same. I googled concrete render but it seems a lot grittier?
04-05-15, 10:35 PM
Not really, depending how you mix up.
04-06-15, 01:48 AM
Alright, thx for the info! I'll make sure to look into it. Maybe for a next project :)
08-16-15, 01:07 PM
I know i know, worst contractor EVER. Good thing snakes cant file complaints.. Anyway, i am still working on these, actually pretty far with the 2nd/3rd one (Double the size of the first). Let me give you guys a quick update so you're all caught up as well. Sorry for the bad pictures, most taken at night with little lighting because i kept forgetting to take pics :D
Putting on the styrofoam.
After finishing the foam i used a dremel burner to fix up some spots, the 'hole' is the sensor for the thermostat, it will be barely noticeable later but still easy to replace.. gv2if.jpg
Smearing on the tile-glue, yes i was Very messy this time haha. ooi0p.jpg
But i cleaned it all up. 2m8gk.jpg
Cant wait tilll they're all done, i want to redecorate!!
08-16-15, 02:13 PM
REAL NICE JOB! gotta get started on my one! just not sure what type of wall to make.. ha ha congrats!
08-16-15, 10:19 PM
Thanks you 2, i just saw it was dry enough to put on the final layer before painting it all. Wish i had time but alas... work from 7 -> 7 today (and tomorrow). Because who doesnt love 12h shifts.
08-17-15, 10:37 AM
Looking great! Can't wait to see it finished!
08-17-15, 12:27 PM
You and me both ;)
08-18-15, 03:55 AM
Well done, Tsubaki, on an excellent job. And yes, these project are always messy.
09-30-15, 10:12 AM
After 3 more layers of tileglue. I painted the wall today. It took me about 5 hours to paint it, can't wait until i can add the epoxy! But i still have to sand down the wood and clean it all up.. I will finish it this week though. xD-pF-2cxdeHvG5iOB7RDQ6lG-EEvQFm2SRE_zps6uurcvzl.jpg XxU_-mVIDuIfcmVGpQmem_xxhE9TI1avaBs0_zpsyi4tlwnn.jpg
I already posted this picture, but i just really wanted to show what the epoxy does to the color. :D
dave himself
09-30-15, 10:42 AM
That's a first class job your doing there ;)
09-30-15, 10:43 AM
Thanks dave :D
09-30-15, 06:26 PM
This is looking incredible. Can't wait to see the finished vivs!
09-30-15, 06:50 PM
What has the approx cost of this project been so far?
10-01-15, 01:42 AM
This is looking incredible. Can't wait to see the finished vivs!
You and me both :)
What has the approx cost of this project been so far?
I'm not sure i want to know... Egh, alright.. lets see.. I could just get the map and read all the receipts but.. i'm not at home (and lazy) so ill do a estimate.
The backgrounds so far have cost me about 450,- (500 USD), and i probably have to order a second batch of epoxy to finish it all (cost me 300,- (334 USD) for the first batch, rest of the costs are styrofoam, paint etc)
The terrariums themselves, were quite expensive given the choice of wood and lighting and heating.
250,- (278USD) each per lamp x 6 = 1500,- (1670 USD)
The RHP's cost me 500,- (556 USD)
I think the glass was around 150,- not sure. (167 USD)
The wood set me back around 300,- (334 USD)
Sealant 90,- (100 USD)
All the random small items i have had to buy should be counted too, ventilation grids, glass sliders, ventilation covers, screws, woodstain, handles etc. about another 150,- (167 USD)
Thermostats 450,- (500 USD)
And this is without all the tools used etc, because we already owned 99% of the tools we used on this project (we're reconstructing this entire house, also why this project is slow) Also without the base because i have no idea what that cost.
If you add it all up, even without background i should count the epoxy because i would have used that either way (only counted 1 batch though).. It comes down to around 4000 USD to make this all the way i made it, cutting absolutely no corners. And probably some random costs missing that i am forgetting about currently. It could be constructed a lot cheaper if chosen for a cheaper way to light/heat/control temperature/waterproof. But yea..:)
10-01-15, 10:18 AM
Thats amazing. I admire your dedication. It really shows that there were no shortcuts taken. Now all im waiting for is to see it with animals in it ;)
10-01-15, 10:32 AM
There are actually already animals living in it, just not in the one im working on. :D
This was what it was like before i emptied it to create the rockwall
10-01-15, 10:51 AM
I had to sand off so much stuff on this wall took hours n hours, but i managed.. just crawled inside the tub :p
Then i could finally add epoxy to the backwall!! It doesn't look as good on the pictures as it does in real life but it gives a pretty good idea :D nwI44H-kWvZAbrDkcraeOZrQ287dXs6n7cuY_zps4x6jxowa.jpg
Closeup :D N-6gSVt5R164MV825Yrmf5qIGPart3eTA_zpsflrc7yma.jpg
It looks fantastic. One question. If poo got smeared on the rock wall, how hard would it be to clean?
10-23-15, 05:17 PM
Not hard at all, epoxy is very easy to clean off. Looks and feels like plastic.
David VB
10-23-15, 10:35 PM
Very nice enclosures and awesome backwalls!!!
10-24-15, 05:21 PM
Thanks David :D can't wait until my entire snakeroom is done, is going to take a while though!
Not hard at all, epoxy is very easy to clean off. Looks and feels like plastic.
Awesome to hear. I'm thinking about something similar for my 6 foot enclosure but I was worried about keeping it clean. I'm gonna have to look into this. Thanks for the input.
10-25-15, 04:21 AM
no problem, it's just a lot of work and slightly expensive :D
10-25-15, 05:56 AM
Hey tsubaki, I know you're wicked busy but could you make a video of your entire process? I'd love to be able to see your exact technique while you work.
10-25-15, 08:00 AM
I have already started on the next larger one so i'm too late to film that, would need a gopro or something to film it. I'll think about it for one of the smaller back-walls i'll be making later.
OMG! That's all I can say!!! Beautiful job. Now I feel bad because I thought I was doing good on my corn snake tank ROTFL!!! Great job, I love it :)
10-25-15, 04:14 PM
Thanks Pogie :D and it doesn't have to be like this to be good ;)!
10-25-15, 08:41 PM
I have already started on the next larger one so i'm too late to film that, would need a gopro or something to film it. I'll think about it for one of the smaller back-walls i'll be making later.
Cool, I'd love to see it if you have the time!
10-27-15, 12:44 PM
Ugh, wanted to remove the devider of the middle tub, to give Zuko more room until i finish his final home.. It would NOT budge, not even an Inch. Had to screw off the entire front and break it out with brute force, got it out without really damaging anything else though (Just a lot of screaming in frustration). The divider is not re-placeable without a lot of trouble.. So, now in stead of 4 small ones and 1 big one, i have 2 big ones and 2 small ones.. Not really sad about it! Room for another big snake once Zuko's home is done!!
03-19-16, 10:11 AM
Room for another big snake once Zuko's home is done!!
Checking this topic, i can already check this off the list early haha! should update with some pictures soon.. Already forcing myself to improvise by getting another giant before i finish everything.. but it's all working out so that's good.
04-21-16, 01:14 PM
Been meaning to update this! Seem to have misplaced the newer pictures.. Will update soon again (when i find them haha).. These were taken when i finished with the Styrofoam! I know the top middle always looks weird at the start.
04-21-16, 02:27 PM
can't wait to see what it looks like when done!
04-21-16, 03:40 PM
Pretty much the same as the bottom one haha :D
04-28-16, 06:48 AM
Managed to find the pictures, ill upload a few steps. Sorry they're all mobile phone pictures, it looks better in real life :)
After the Cement Tile glue, think this was the 3rd layer.
During the painting, forgot to take the bowl out and close the access hatches of the bottom terrarium before taking the picture haha.
After the first layer of epoxy (Still wet)
Detail pic from the 2nd layer of epoxy (Again wet, the colours look a bit odd because i flashed)
One to go!
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