View Full Version : looking for a blue tongue.

02-20-15, 02:06 AM
Hello everyone,

I've been looking for a blue tongue skink for quite a while now. There is a local reptile store near my home town who I have found to be very professional and clean and who have healthy animals that are clearly well cared for. I've been attempting to get a baby bluey from them but it's starting to look like it might not happen.

My main concern is getting a young animal that is without a doubt a captive bred skink and who is in good health. I'm rather suspicious of a lot of reptile websites which either claim to be captive bred or who don't mention anything at all about if the animal is wild caught or not. The only website i can find advertising captive bred baby blues is backwater reptiles.... But I have read some terrible reviews of them and am hesitant to order from somewhere that people are saying has sick or dead animals arriving to customers.

I really want a bluey but I also really want to make sure I end up with a happy and healthy and we'll adjusted animal and don't end up supporting wild caught skinks.

Does anyone have any websites they could recommend me that they trust and have had good experiences with?

Thanks so much much,

02-20-15, 10:08 AM
There are no such thing as WC blue tongues since you can't import anymore, hence why Australia has some amazing BTS. As far as a place to buy, I wouldn't go backwater reptiles, seen, read horror stories. Underground reptiles, they have good looking babies. Check out kingsnake for other breeders as well.

02-20-15, 10:13 AM
Blue tongues are not only native to Australia. There IS such thing as wild caught.

02-20-15, 10:52 AM
Most common blue tongues in the pet trade are easterns, correct? I'm aware that there are other locales that are not from Australia. Odds are if it's not an eastern it will be labeled as that typical locale.

02-20-15, 11:22 AM
I have heard and witnessed nothing but horrible things about backwater reptiles..
Lots of dead creatures shipped :(

02-21-15, 12:16 AM
I have heard and witnessed nothing but horrible things about backwater reptiles..
Lots of dead creatures shipped :(

Same here, I havnt heard much good about them And won't be ordering from them! What really put me off was watching a few unboxing movies by people ordering reptiles from them and pulling them out of things like pillow cases with missing toes and mites and stuff. I'm already anxious about ordering and animal online in the first place (I know it's so common, and even getting an animal from a local store or breeder means the animal has been in the mail) but something about bringing them home in a safe warm car makes me feel much less scared.

02-21-15, 12:20 AM
There are no such thing as WC blue tongues since you can't import anymore, hence why Australia has some amazing BTS. As far as a place to buy, I wouldn't go backwater reptiles, seen, read horror stories. Underground reptiles, they have good looking babies. Check out kingsnake for other breeders as well.

Ah, I did not know it was illegal to import them. Thank you, I will check Those places out. I had also heard decent things about Lllreptile, has anyone had a good experience with them?

Zoo Nanny
02-21-15, 06:33 AM
There are no such thing as WC blue tongues since you can't import anymore, hence why Australia has some amazing BTS. As far as a place to buy, I wouldn't go backwater reptiles, seen, read horror stories. Underground reptiles, they have good looking babies. Check out kingsnake for other breeders as well.
They are exported out of New Guinea.

02-21-15, 09:13 AM
check out bluetongueskinks.net. They have good breeders on there. BTS are the ultimate pet lizard IMO. I've had mine for over 15 years now. Unfortunately, he was not captive bred. Still, he has been tame and friendly and the healthiest reptile ever all these years. Love him.

03-01-15, 08:17 PM
Australia doesn't allow export but other countries do. From what I've been told, if it's an Indonesian, you can assure email it's wild caught, or at least farm hatched. Bluetongueskink.net is a good suggestion. I know people who've purchased from them and had great experiences.