View Full Version : slowly progressing :)

02-15-15, 06:48 PM
Hey everybody, just wanted to do an update.
I'm now up to 7 snakes.
I now own:
1.0 motley corn
1.0 gray banded king
1.1 African house snakes
1.0 bci boa constrictor
I also have:
1.0 reverse okeetee corn
0.1 albino cali. king het. strip
Both of which will be for sale shortly.
I have been doing volunteer work for a snake breeder named Sarah for about 5 months now working with mostly corn snakes. I just finished breeding my male motley to her female het. Stipe motley butter corn. She believes she is pregnant, so I'm planning on having 1/3 of her clutch. On top of that I'm looking into buying babies at wholesale price and selling them. That's why I have the two babies for sale. I'm also considoring trying to breed my pair of African house snakes once the female reaches breeding size. She is still to small. When I got her she was in a unhealthy condition and underweight (I got her from lllreptile). The male was too, but both snakes have been feeding and gaining wait for me. I'm hoping they'll be breeding size this summer for me, but we will see. Anyways, I just wanted to give everyone an update and see if they're are any of you out there who would be intrested in purchasing anything or doing business in the future. I still want to see how many people would actually be intrested in this before I dig myself to big of a hole to quick.

Pics of the snakes that will be for sale in the near future:

Female het. stripe albino California king:
http://i1051.photobucket.com/albums/s437/tlppkp12/Mobile%20Uploads/IMAG1446_zps3ouyxjnt.jpg (http://s1051.photobucket.com/user/tlppkp12/media/Mobile%20Uploads/IMAG1446_zps3ouyxjnt.jpg.html)

Male reverse okeetee corn snake (roylance line):
http://i1051.photobucket.com/albums/s437/tlppkp12/Mobile%20Uploads/Snapchat-20150215045419_zpsalvgznif.jpg (http://s1051.photobucket.com/user/tlppkp12/media/Mobile%20Uploads/Snapchat-20150215045419_zpsalvgznif.jpg.html)