View Full Version : Lighting and Heating for the new build

02-12-15, 07:31 PM
I suppose I should've asked first, but does anyone have any experience with the Finnex FugeRay Aquarium LED Light Plus Moonlights?
I ordered the 48" model and it arrived yesterday. Very light and streamline. Are the LED lights too bright for our snakes?
I hope not. I liked this model cuz of the 16 actinic blue moonlights that can stay on at night mimicking moon light.
Like I said, I should've asked first and if it turns out to have been a bad choice, I'll eat the cost and get the right one.
It's going in a protective cage and the only disadvantage is. Will have to reach in the cage to manually turn off the white lights, but if the blue at night is a bad idea, I'll put the light strip on a timer and just run the red heat lamp at night.

Pro Products, a company I found that makes radiant heat panels appears to be a safe route to go. Thanks Millertime for suggesting the radiant heat panels!
Any input on those or another brand would be great.

02-13-15, 10:24 PM
The whole point of blue light is that they can't see it I think. What kind of snakes are you keeping?

02-14-15, 12:34 AM
Female Retic and maybe a Male in the months to come, but I'll be adding a Kerry King Carpet to the family as soon as I get these enclosures built. The walls are all cut out. Just dealing with a small dilemma of how to seal or cover the inside walls of the enclosure that's safest for the snakes. That's another topic...

02-16-15, 06:13 PM
Is it possible the LED light could be too bright for my retic? Just curious..

02-16-15, 06:46 PM
I ordered a LED strip off amazon that came with a remote that has a dimmer to adjust brightness.

02-16-15, 08:23 PM
Snakes can see more bands of light than we can. The whole blue/red/black light at night for heat thing might help us, but it doesn't mean the snake can't see it.