View Full Version : Just hanging out

D Grade
02-07-15, 10:34 PM
Amani just out for some quality time. Since taking two pinkies a week, hes almost doubled in width and has a much more brilliant shine to him.

02-07-15, 11:00 PM
Nice! He could probably handle bigger prey now. Mines about that size and handles a fuzzy easily every 5-7 days.

D Grade
02-08-15, 12:08 PM
Thanks D, I was thinking about upping him to fuzzies. I guess Ill size a few when we go to pick up his food today. Maybe Ill do one more feeding of two pinkies if theres any doubt about him being able to get a fuzzy down.

EL Ziggy
02-08-15, 01:21 PM
Looking good D. He's settling in nicely.

D Grade
02-08-15, 11:09 PM
Looking good D. He's settling in nicely.

Thanks bud. He's still a little cage defensive, tonight I held him again before feeding day tomorrow and he latched on to my right ring finger for about 20 seconds when I went to pick him up. Didn't hurt at all, but I held him for about 15 minutes anyways just to show him that biting me isn't gonna do anything. Then again he might be hungry and just wanted to bite something. :)