View Full Version : New enclosure for my SD Retic

02-04-15, 09:35 PM
I'd like to ask...Is my retic going to be happier in an enclosure 3'x3'x6 tall or 6' long x 3' deep x 3' high.
Either way, I'm building a double enclosure that'll be 6' tall, 6' wide and 3' deep.
Right now, my sd retic is in a 40 gallon breeder aquarium and it's too hard regulating the humidity.
I may get her a male or a beautiful carpet from PsychoticExotics.

02-04-15, 10:04 PM
I'd go 6x3x3. It's gonna be much easier to give a good temperature gradient, and 3 feet is plenty climbing space to get creative for your SD.

02-04-15, 11:52 PM
Thanks sublime. Good to know.

02-05-15, 05:43 AM
No problem... Can't wait to see the cage when it's done. I'm currently planning out bigger/adult caging for all my retics

02-05-15, 05:50 AM
So, if I pick up a carpet, Will the long vs tall be better as well? Meeting with Kerry King or Todd of psychoticExotics next week. Beautiful carpets!

02-05-15, 06:01 AM
Also torn between sliding vs swing doors. There's got to be an advantage to the swinging retaining heat n humidity.
Any ideas on that?

dave himself
02-05-15, 06:18 AM
I've never had a viv with swinging doors, but with our retic and burms feeding response we've found it quite handy being able to just open a small section to get the prey item into the viv at the opposite end from the snake

02-05-15, 09:39 AM
I'm going to try something different this time. I'm putting a trap door in the back to try and disassociate opening the front with feeding. We'll see.:D

dave himself
02-05-15, 09:50 AM
I'm going to try something different this time. I'm putting a trap door in the back to try and disassociate opening the front with feeding. We'll see.:D

That could be a good idea it would be interesting to see the results, I've heard of people using trap doors on the top of vivs that seem to work. We just go for the tap training method which seems to work well until they get a smell of food then there's no switching off their feeding response.

02-05-15, 10:10 AM
I would also go with 6x3x3 as well. But a 4x2x3 would work as well if you want to make it smaller. Both will work for a carpet as well. Kerry King is a good guy. My brother has a coastal tiger from him that is awesome. I would do sliding, but that's just my preference.

02-05-15, 10:15 AM
For my carpets I like 4x2x4 for climbing.

02-05-15, 02:36 PM
Id go sliding glass over swing doors. I've got my jamps in sliding front and my kalatoas in swing doors.... I will be getting the kalatoas into sliding glass when I get some new cages for them(no rush, they're small, have plenty of space and don't have the killer feed mode of the jamps).

The sliding glass also seems to hold heat and humidity better when you open the cage since you can open it just a small amount. And it's night and day when you have a hungery tic charging the front of the cage.

The "feed" door is a great idea in my opinion. I personally will apply this to a cage whenever I get a larger locale Reticulated python.

02-10-15, 05:07 PM
Is an enclosure that size going to be too big for my retic. She's about 3 feet. I've read they like a cozy space and I don't want to do the wrong thing giving her more space than necessary, if that's a bad thing..

02-10-15, 05:16 PM
Is an enclosure that size going to be too big for my retic. She's about 3 feet. I've read they like a cozy space and I don't want to do the wrong thing giving her more space than necessary, if that's a bad thing..

Not a bad thing but you'll have to add more stuff so she'll feel more secure. I personally would go no bigger than a 4x2x3 and the same size will be sufficient for a carpet as well. So the entire thing will be approx 4x2x6. I'm assuming you'll be using a radiant eat panel?

02-10-15, 06:14 PM
What's the best choice for the radiant heat panel if you don't mind?

02-10-15, 06:40 PM
I've never used them but it's what I would use for a cage of that size, especially if you're making one single unit with multiple cages and a snake that will climb. You don't mention what material you will be using but heat tape doesn't work very well (if at all) with wood enclosures, but will work with plastic if you go that route. I will defer to others on the exact size, but I would say you'll need at least 120 watts, if not 160. Plus a t-stat.
RBI Radiant Heat Panels (http://www.reptilebasics.com/rbi-radiant-heat-panels)

02-10-15, 09:48 PM
I'll be building this monstrosity primarily from 3/4" ply. I'm going to make two. One with cabinet grade and one with a rustic look from 3/4" construction grade ply and 4X4's. I'll try and take step by step pics to post..

02-13-15, 07:19 PM
Does anyone know if it would be a problem using sheet vinyl flooring on the inside of the enclosure instead of going thru all the steps to seal the wood with all those chemicals.
I found some decent looking wood grain vinyl. Then all I'd have to do is silicone around the edges.
I suppose I'd have to use safe adhesive if anyone has any suggestion.