View Full Version : Equipment for JCP

02-04-15, 01:00 AM
Hello all,

I'm keeping a Jungle Python hatchling in an Exo Terra 12x12x18 until he outgrows it

for lighting I chose the Exo Terra Day & Night LED. Will this lighting be sufficient?

I live in Sydney, Australia, so heating during the summer is not really necessary, however during the winter I figured an Exo Terra Heat Wave Rainforest Small (20x20cm) would do the trick? or should I be using a heat cable (15W) or one of there infrared basking spot (50W)?

Replies would be most helpful!

02-04-15, 01:07 AM
The heat pad will be fine for winter temp but that tiny tank wont last long at all. Theyse guys grow fast. You will want a minimum floor space of 2'×4' and at least 2' high. Mine is 4'high and this big girl uses every inch.

02-05-15, 03:21 PM
Thanks for the reply, the tank will probably be upgraded pretty soon! So the lighting will be sufficient?

02-05-15, 04:07 PM
Dont know that light off hand. But as long as the rhp is keeping the temps right all you really need the light to do is light the tank for proper photo cycle. Most keepers use a 4x2x2 for their carpets but mine really likes to climb so I gave her the extra height. Their tank can never be too big as long as theres sufficent hides for them to feel secure.