View Full Version : Old Thread Modification/Deletion

02-02-15, 08:35 PM
Hi There,

This might be answered already, but I can't seem to find information regarding how to remove/modify old posts. I am talking about an 11 year old post. I have old email information that I would like taken down. I've flagged it internally and PMed an admin staff earlier but still it remains up and searchable on google.

If anyone can help me out I would greatly appreciate it!


02-02-15, 08:44 PM
While there are now 4 of us, we also have personal lives, and are not always online. As per my PM, I have removed your email address as requested.


02-02-15, 08:47 PM
Sorry I PMed another moderate a long time ago. The moderator has since been retired.
Thank you so much for being so efficient. I really do appreciate your help.

02-12-15, 03:49 PM
Stumbled across this thread and I'm super curious so I'm just gonna ask. It aint my business obviously but Why are you concerned about old email info and 11 year old posts?

02-12-15, 05:12 PM
There are a couple problems with posting email addresses. First, not all people change there email address over time and it can be picked up by spammers. In this case the email included a first and last name so when some one Googled the person, the posts were showing up in Google. Not a major issue, but it is best to never post email addresses in posts. Hence the reason I am more then willing to edit out email address from posts.


02-13-15, 12:26 AM
Good to know, thanks.