View Full Version : Iris appears to be wheezing..

02-02-15, 07:03 PM
My Retic sounds like she's wheezing. When I got home from work today, she had been under her water bowl all day on the cool side of the tank.
It's a large corner bowl. When she came out to me, I could hear her breathing on the inhale(I think) more than usual. She was unusually cold to the touch when she climbed up on me.
Once she crawled up on my arm, she draped herself on my arm like the Green Tree Pythons do and appeared to fall asleep.
She appears to be getting ready to shed. Her eyes are sorta cloudy looking, she refused her mouse yesterday.
Is the slight wheeze something to worry about. Her tank is about 80 degrees in the middle, around 90+ on the hot side and 70 or so on the cool side. Humidity occasionally drops to about 40%, but I try and keep it around 70..
Hopefully her new enclosure will be easier to regulate the humidity.
I just put her back and she quickly went into her new hide.
K, enuf rambling. Later...

02-02-15, 09:30 PM
You mentioned she was in shed, that's most likely the cause. Several of mine do, and will even sneeze when in shed as it's irritating.

02-02-15, 09:58 PM
Millertime, thank you for putting me at ease.

02-02-15, 11:31 PM
Yup. That's what I'm here for.