View Full Version : new to ssnakess

02-01-15, 01:35 AM
I am new to ssnakess. I've had snakes in the past and I have a "work snake" it's a speckled king. That I take care of when our biologist is gone.

dave himself
02-01-15, 08:39 AM
Welcome aboard :)

02-01-15, 10:24 AM
Welcome. Are you planning on owning one? Which kinds are you considering?

02-01-15, 11:47 AM
Welcome. Are you planning on owning one? Which kinds are you considering?

Yes, I'm looking into getting a snake. I just have to wait until we move into a new house and shelving set up. First off I am going to get a Western Hognose and see where it goes from there. I would really like a Blacktail Cribo but that is after I get the wife use to being around snakes.

02-01-15, 12:20 PM
Welcome to the site!

02-01-15, 01:51 PM

02-01-15, 01:58 PM
Welcome. What is it that you do for work? I want a work snake!

02-01-15, 02:19 PM
Welcome. What is it that you do for work? I want a work snake!

Just a IT guy for a a environmentally friendly company. I just grab the snake when I go to the main office. We hang out a few times a month.

EL Ziggy
02-02-15, 12:38 AM
Welcome and best wishes ks.

D Grade
02-08-15, 11:17 PM
Welcome to the site!

dave himself
02-09-15, 12:43 AM
Welcome aboard :)

02-09-15, 09:07 AM
Hello and welcome. :)

02-09-15, 12:00 PM
Hey and Welcome!