View Full Version : BCI Randomy Agressive

01-27-15, 03:33 PM
I have kept a few boas and I have had a few that were pricks straight from the get go but this is different.

My Hypo hey Moonglow BCI Male will be 1yr in April and until about 2 weeks ago went from being a curious snake to aggressive.

Normally when I open his viv he comes straight to the door just pokes his head out and sniffs the air.

However two weeks ago, as normal he came to the door except he decided to bite me as I reached in. I went slow as always, and was on the complete opposite side of the viv.

Since he has taken to hissing and biting if I attempt to handle or get close to him.

Hes eating schedule has not changed, he eats every friday and the prey has remained constant, hes currently eating Weened Rats. The temps and humidity also haven't changed.

Any thoughts or advice as to how to approach this?

01-27-15, 03:54 PM
Do you have any females present? Could just be sexual maturity, hormones raging.

01-27-15, 04:57 PM
Just curious, but are weaned rats large enough? I remember my BCI eating larger food at that age, just can't remember what she ate. The prey size should be 1 1/2 the largest part of his body, it could just be because he's hungry, but that's always my first assumption. If you weight your snake and prey the food should be 10%-15% of the snakes weight.

01-28-15, 06:51 AM
Thank you for the replies.

I do have a female but she is two floors away. As for the food it is about 1.25 times his thickest part. At this point moving up to a small rat would be too large a prey item. A ween is on par with an adult mouse.

01-28-15, 01:24 PM
I'd still guess sexual maturity :)

01-28-15, 02:13 PM
hmmm, will getting a female boa potentially ruin the temperament of my male?

01-28-15, 02:24 PM
It doesn't have to, and it could happen with out without females present. I have had several males who did not change at all, and i have had males who go berserk (like my current Nicaragua male).. And it's not boa specific either, retics males are good at going banana's over some tail :D

01-28-15, 03:01 PM
Thanks for the input, I'm sure he'll calm down soon enough. Last night he went back to being relaxed. It could just be hormones.