View Full Version : Is she gravid yet..?

01-24-15, 04:43 AM
Hi guys,i just want to ask for my burmese.....i started to put my burm together on october 2014 and i saw them copulated and at the end of november i separated the male....it's been a month the female refused to eat....i noted on december 9 she got shedd and now she's been basking all the time ...is she gravid yet??somebody can tell me what should i do?because this is my first time breeding burmese....the male is albino burmese and the female albino granite

01-24-15, 05:11 AM
Sure looks like she maybe. How big is she and old? When she did eat last how big of a meal did she take? If she is gravid the shed date means you should get eggs around the 9 of Feb. That's if Burmese are like Bloods.

One of the best way to tell is pick her up and from about half way down her body put your hand. Then let her slowly crawl through your hand. Look and feel for bumps. This can be hard to tell with fatter snake like Burmese. Also when looking at the belly you should noticed it go from flat to rounded about half way down. Also watch for her laying on her side or back and in weird positions. All of this also works for telling if they are producing follicle.

01-24-15, 05:32 AM
Thanks for replying.....marvelfreak....my burm is around 11 ft and maybe the age is around 3 years old right now....usually she eat 1 big chicken every 3 weeks last time i noticed i fed them on 30 sept and she refused eat meal since last copulated and 3 weeks ago i gave her 3 big adult rat and she ate it.....until now she only basking....i put lamp on her cage 100 watt bulb lamp.....and seem lethargic....i hope she gravid.....finger cross....!

01-24-15, 10:24 AM
She could be gravid. Why did you choose to breed her so young? I wouldn't advice breeding with any giant under the age of 5, and 6 would even be better.. She isn't even fully grown at 3, and sorry but for being only 11f she looks quite fat with a smallish head.

01-24-15, 05:16 PM
I bought this female allready full grown ....a year ago not quiate sure how old is she ,i have my self my normal granite ....compare with thie size i just quest the age ....maybe around 3 year ....

01-24-15, 07:34 PM
I would get a incubator and get it set up and check all your temps. This way if she does lay eggs you'll be ready.

01-30-15, 12:15 PM
Go to a vet for an ultrasound.