View Full Version : Cohabitation of small snakes

01-22-15, 10:08 AM
Hey everyone,

I recently acquired a Dekay's Brown Snake. At work we have a Ringneck and they are about the same size. A coworker of mine suggested housing them in the same enclosure. I know cohabitation of snakes has led to less than desirable consequences in many cases, so I put it in a separate tank(plus I have extra tanks laying around, so why not give him his own?). Anyway, it got me wondering...has anyone ever tried keeping these two species(or similar species) together?

And by the way, this is entirely out of curiosity. I do not plan on housing these two together. They are in separate enclosures and I am going to keep it that way. I am just wondering if anyone has tried this out.

01-22-15, 10:57 AM
It's never a good idea to house different snake species together (or same species together for that matter - except for for a very few - such as garters).

I definitely suggest two separate enclosures.

01-22-15, 10:59 AM
I'm not familiar with brown snakes and have no real experience with ringnecks, however, I have always wanted a ringneck and in everything I have read it says that due to tje ringnecks sensitive nature, I should never be housed with other animals. Depending on the locality of the ringneck as well, it could have a mild toxin on the saliva that if it bites the other snake will cause blistering sores and lead to infection.

Hope this info helps you a bit. =)

01-22-15, 11:37 AM
Thanks for the input. Like I said, I'm keeping them separately no matter what. I was just curious if anyone had tried considering their similar size, diet, personality, etc.

01-23-15, 02:51 PM
All snakes can be cannibalistic if the correct variables are met. Their similar habits are what make them good candidates for eating other snakes even if by accident. For example they both latch onto the same prey or something.

Plus I know there are consummate experts on these species out there but good luck finding them in a forum like this who could tell you for sure whether this is something you can do. But more than likely they've seen cannibalism in these species in the past. I know the guy from albinomilksnakes . com does ring necks, send him an e-mail he's a really good guy. I helped him set up his site back when we were teenagers so he might be able to give you some insight.

01-23-15, 03:10 PM
Cool thanks man. Yeah that's why I was asking more for prior experiences rather than speculation. But I also knew it was sort of a long shot considering that not many people keep the two species I mentioned, and probably even fewer have kept both. Could you pm me the guys email address or can I contact him through the site?

01-24-15, 11:10 AM
I assume you can contact him through the site. He has a link to his facebook on there you could message him at.