View Full Version : How I found him this morning

01-21-15, 04:18 PM
Hopefully the title isn't alarming he is quite alright lol....I just have no idea what he's doing and thought you guys may find it amusing to see him attempt to fit in there.

After he escaped last night and I caught him cruising through the room at 4am I put him back in and woke up this morning to find him like this. Out of the three hides he has he chooses this old gecko cave that I use just as a decoration because it looks like a rock.

01-21-15, 07:51 PM
It's like me when I come home drunk and sleep in the first comfortable place I found :P

01-21-15, 07:52 PM
Or first uncomfortable place like the stairs. Ya i've been there too lol

01-22-15, 12:54 AM
lol we have probably all experienced that at least once. It was just funny to me that he didn't care that his entire body was exposed.

01-22-15, 05:21 AM
maybe he just fancied wearing a hat ?

re coming home after getting drunk
ive slept in my front garden,as i couldn't get the key in the door,luckily it was in the summer time

cheers shaun

01-22-15, 09:06 AM
Yup, they'll sleep in some strange places. I found my big retic with her head totally sideways, resting against a coil. Scared the $4!t out of me the first time I saw it, I thought she was dead.

01-22-15, 02:34 PM
Yup, they'll sleep in some strange places. I found my big retic with her head totally sideways, resting against a coil. Scared the $4!t out of me the first time I saw it, I thought she was dead.

My Honduran sleeps the exact same way all the time!

As far as drunk sleeping however. I haven't exactly passed out any where strange. But one time I leaned against my buddy's door frame, mid conversation and fell asleep for about 5-10 minutes till he realized I was out and thankfully put my *** on the couch lol

01-25-15, 04:30 PM
Yea it was funny. speaking of the side ways head thing I caught my BRB laying like that and it really freaked me out the first time also, He actually hasnt laid like that since, or that iv seen. kwhitlock, you didn't wake up as he was carrying you haha?

02-01-15, 12:36 PM
Hahahha this is way to cute. I like the hat idea!

CK SandBoas
02-01-15, 12:56 PM
Yup, they'll sleep in some strange places. I found my big retic with her head totally sideways, resting against a coil. Scared the $4!t out of me the first time I saw it, I thought she was dead.

I found my female Bumble Bee in the same position a couple of days after her meal....scared the crud out of me, she did not move, even when I touched her...