View Full Version : First gecko

01-21-15, 04:02 AM
some time ago crested geckos captivated me, so my boyfriend gave me one for Christmas.
He is from pet shop, around 4inch long (with tail), so i guess he is around 6 month old.
He's also my first lizard ever, so I'm still learning. But he is sooo sweet!

Here are some pics, unfortunately he fires up only at night, and i'm still afraid of handling him (he seems so fragile, and is rather jumpy).

Any ideas for a name?




Ps. And I have w problem with his morph - it seems that he is something like peppered 90% pinstripe harlequin? And when fired up he has a blushings, and I also see something like white fringe and white knees (I post better pics as soon as i get them).

Have a nice day!

01-21-15, 11:24 AM
Ugh, I see that 2 pics are not available, but I can't edit... here they are:



01-21-15, 11:49 AM
Common harley with dalmation spots. Good looking gecko though! Geckos are totally my thing so if you have any questions just let me know. =)

01-21-15, 11:55 AM
Minkness, thank you!

I choose him because of this spots, dals are my favourite :) I just hope that he will develop more spots with age.

01-21-15, 12:47 PM
Congrats! great looking gecko!!

01-21-15, 03:48 PM
I also love dals! I have a nice dark chocolate dal male lol. I want to try and find a nice cream or yellow female dalmation as well. Fingers crossed there's one at repticon lol.

01-22-15, 04:01 AM
Sharthum. thank you!

Minkness, I dream about white/really light cream with a lot of dark spots... but in my country it's hard to find something more than pins or harleys. But I hope that you will find your gecko! :)

And I have a stupid question: how do you pick up your geckos? Snakes are easy, but he looks so fragile... and is rather jumpy.

02-08-15, 02:50 AM
Sooo, in next week this two little geckos will arrive to me :D

https://scontent-b-fra.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xpf1/v/t1.0-9/10929192_824766297582289_8506779909036988344_n.jpg ?oh=fa63ea5d47515fa963940f8beaaf0064&oe=55616BE7

https://fbcdn-sphotos-a-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xpa1/v/t1.0-9/10502535_824766777582241_8989829434284144280_n.jpg ?oh=e2e76965ba3da53c5795b829cf339e9a&oe=554F3CB3&__gda__=1431600139_b752cca5290d67b22aa2384f36df2aa 0

Both parents are dal, so I'm really curious how these two will look in future.

https://scontent-b-fra.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xfa1/v/t1.0-9/185039_427086864016903_166899826_n.jpg?oh=12210822 aa104c6a6e69a190b1130a36&oe=5561E5BF

https://fbcdn-sphotos-b-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xpf1/v/t1.0-9/10952145_821173257941593_1763529908297032515_n.jpg ?oh=8298b8e968f426824de056e30aafde36&oe=555C93AB&__gda__=1431710657_35137e5deaa8f4a6de5a6c231eecf84 9

02-08-15, 02:53 AM
Beautiful looking gecko! Can u post pictures of the enclosure?

02-08-15, 03:03 AM
Whiteboy, I must take them first, but sure, as soon as I get them I will post :)
And thank you!

02-08-15, 12:56 PM
Woah! The dad from that pair is drool-worthy!

I found a local guy that has a BUNCH of cresties. He says he isn't really a breeder but has bunches of babies lol. I think he undersells himself. He sent me some pics of his stock, and I will be stooping low to beg that he sells me some XD

This one in particular is one I want baaaad!

02-08-15, 01:05 PM
Wow, that one is really nice, I love dals (and all others, haha!).

And yes, I really can't wait to see how my two little babys will look <3 And I hope that at least one of them will be a female.

02-08-15, 01:40 PM
Fingers crossed for you! I'm going to focus on getting a high end yellow dal breeding group as my first breeding group, but have to do it on a budget. Sooo...can't spend 300$ on unsexed or 600$ on confirmed females x.x makes it difficult but also pretty fun in the challenge lol. Everyone in the area only sells harlies so I'm hoping that having higher end dals will give me a slight market advantage. Besides, my original passion was for dals so I want to stick with that lol. I have a nice pair of harlies, and that's enough for me lol SPOTS! SPOTS EVERYWHERE! MWAHAHA!

02-08-15, 01:47 PM
Minkness, I know what you mean, in my country there are practically only harleys/pins, and if somehow there is something else then the price is... ugh, too much for me anyway.
But dals are cool, so if one of this two will be female then who know, maybe I try to produce small spotted creatures :D

And I hope that you will find that dals and produce many, many babys! But you must promise that you will post pictures all of them!

02-08-15, 02:00 PM
Lol yes! I will flood you with pics! But it will be a while since my pair won't be here till april and if I won't be getting any other males unless it's a rockin' super dal for a killer price lol. I don't mind having too many males since I love them as pets 1st anyway lol.

02-08-15, 02:11 PM
Haha, I'm the same, breeding may be fun, but I want them most as a pets :D