02-16-03, 07:55 PM
A lot of folks ask about ETB temperment. This WC girl which we have had since late November just shed a couple of nights ago. She managed to get her head clear and some of the slough on her belly and sides. She is about 5' and pretty hefty. I was not looking forward to the ordeal of getting the rest off. We placed her in a large rubbermaid with soaking wet towels to soften the slough and then prepared to do battle! LOL I didn't want to restrain her so I free handled her for the duration, which took about 2-1/2 hours between "soakings" and peeling. I was totally ready for bloodshed, mine of course, but all I got was a lot of hissing and she endured the whole process without even the slightest hint of biting. 80% of the time her head was resting on my arm, so all she would have had to do was open her mouth and chomp.
Anyway, here are a couple pics we took while letting her get some sun afterwards.
Anyway, here are a couple pics we took while letting her get some sun afterwards.